Hell House LLC II: The Abaddon Hotel (2018) Poster

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A little disappointed
jessicawedwards21 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As a big fan of Hell House LLC, I was really looking forward to this film. It didn't quite deliver the same scares and suspense as the original, and you never really had time to get to know the characters, so any deaths, weren't really felt. Not a terrible movie, just didn't live up to the hype of the first one.
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I'm sorry but MOLLY CANT ACT
zdfjyrb9 September 2023
I loved the first one! The acting wasn't cringe in any way. Now the second one. It's terrible! The acting is painful. And Molly? Who is she related to? Her acting was worse than the high school production of Cabaret I just saw. Those kids should have Oscar's compared to her! When I was younger I used to think I'd never hack it! And the fact that she has this role, this opportunity to bring someone's story to the camera....and she is SO TERRIBLE AT IT! It upsets me.

Now I never hate oh actor's. But this chick didn't even try. And she made me p-o'd this whole movie. I really thing someone should buy the rights and do it better. This story is so great, it deserves a touch up.
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A highly anticipated, but utterly disappointing sequel
hey_look_its_tiff25 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The first Hell House LLC began with a beautifully crafted set up, showing the audience that something horrific had happened in the basement of the hotel on October 8th and showing us the scale of the tragedy through various pieces of footage and interviews without giving us too many details of what actually went down. The end had a spectacular pay off. We got to see what happened, but not in still, HD footage that displayed the death of every casualty down there. Oh, no, no. It gave just enough to satisfy certain questions without removing the terrifying mystery.

Part II did quite the opposite. Sure, we got a little bit of foreshadowed mystery when the first snippet of footage of Jessica being questioned by the police began to play halfway through the film. However, by that point, I already didn't much care what happened to her and I was able to predict that she was simply this film's Sara.

The biggest disappointment of all was the final reveal. The boogeyman is not so scary once the lights are on, and the same goes for Andrew Tully. In the original, he was a faceless and unfathomable entity that we knew very little about, working through his puppeteering of apparitions of his victims, his cult members, and props inside the hotel. That made him the perfect monster.

This was ruined in every way. Not only does the audience see him full-on, but characters have a clear dialogue with him, and he even goes on to monologue about his evil plans. Not to mention, said monologue is all information that we had ascertained earlier in the film, making that finale serve no point other than to diminish the audience's fears and dumb things down for us.

I won't even begin to complain about Tully being in the televised debate, as that would take up a vast majority of this review's word count.

I will just say that the televised debate served as a nice break from the ongoing suspense-building scenes from within the hotel and left us with a few mid-story cliffhangers. Unfortunately, the heavy-handed exposition, hackneyed caricatures, and lack of character rounding in regards to Mitchell made these scenes fall flat.

The film did have some pretty decent scares in the middle, but it lacked the slow, creeping build of the first film. Sure you could think, "Why hide the monsters when we've already seen them?" But if that's the explanation then why have a sequel at all?

To be honest, I didn't much care about the characters at all. I lost interest in Molly and Jessica right after their very first scene. The dialogue was awkward and didn't come off as natural, and the characters didn't even become more interesting after that. Mitchell had the most promise after his brief introduction in the first film and his ties to the hotel, but did I believe for a second that Diane's disappearance raised the stakes enough for him to justifiably enter the building he warned everyone to stay away from? No. Not even after the third contrived time he shut down with a haunted stare off into space at the mention of her name.

David, however, I did care about. He was the only reasonably balanced character that was, well, an actual character. As much as it may come across as filler dialogue to some, even his talk of nachos served the purpose of echoing back to conversations amongst the Hell House crew.

Supposedly this is going to be a trilogy. Will I watch the third installment? Absolutely. I loved the first Hell House LLC, and while this sequel doesn't even come close to being as well-crafted, it was still entertaining.

For anyone who was a fan of the first, I do suggest you watch this film. Just don't hold it to the same standards you hold the original to.
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Lacks the subtle scares and natural acting of the original
derekjager26 September 2018
My heart sank when I saw the trailer and heard the poor dialogue. The original had a great cast who delivered their lines in a natural fashion and seemed to really be friends/co-workers. I watched it many times and think it's terrific.

None of this really worked for me and I was bored about 30 minutes into it. And once they are in the hotel, you can't see much so when they run around screaming "WTF?" you have no idea what they are screaming about or running from.

If it's a trilogy, not sure why. When you explain too much, the fears tend to diminish and this film became a lot of talk, a lot of don't show, when it should really be show, don't tell. I sensed a lot of filler and then, no climax. And really, zero scares so jump cuts were added. If a third is made, I hope it mirrors the tone and acting of the first.
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Some flaws but the horror side of things is too good to care
jtindahouse26 October 2019
'Hell House LLC II: The Abaddon Hotel' is my second Stephen Cognetti film, the first being 'Hell House LLC', and already I'm beginning to see some trends in his film-making - some positive, some not so. He seems to really struggle with the beginnings of his films and then tends to find his way as it goes along. Also he writes some terrible dialogue, especially in the non-horror scenes. But what saves all this and makes his films extremely watchable is that he seems to be a master at directing horror.

This house/hotel setting that he has created for these films is truly terrifying. Everything about it just works. The creatures moving about inside it, the maze-like feel it has and the feeling of overwhelming dread when a character is in there are just terrific. Not often do individual scare moments get me but this film has one that really caught me off-guard and had my heart leaping. I didn't see it coming and combine that with the imagery and I'm not afraid to say it got me.

If Cognetti can either fix his dialogue and the clunky non-horror scenes he writes, or get a script-doctor in to do it for him and just let him focus on the horror side of things, then he has a big future ahead of him. He has created something special with The Abandon Hotel and I very much look forward to checking out the third installment now.
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Extremely disappointing
soowooo1722 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If you've ever seen the (pretty awful) sequel to Grave Encounters, you know what you're getting with this. There's a bunch of people we don't care about trapped in a hotel and some evil entity is after them. Door handles disappear, figures in the shadows, etc etc.

Whereas the first hell house was a masterpiece in creating an environment and letting the unseen do the scaring, this movie leaves all that and just shows us everything right away. There's no real tension, made worse by the incredibly bad acting. The bloodied up girl, the female talk show host, and the dude who talked to spirits (?) were the worst.

I was really looking forward to this after the first one and this seems like it was made by different filmmakers based on how poorly made it was. Do yourself a favor; watch the first one and avoid this
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Above average found footage horror
UnholyFrog21 September 2018
At random, the announcement that Hell House LLC 2 was coming to Shudder just hours ago popped into my head and I decided to take a look as I enjoyed the very creepy atmosphere of the original.

This one goes on to reveal even more about the Abaddon Hotel, where the Hell House "event" opened during the first film and things get suitable creepy once again. There are a number of moments where I noticed myself tense and almost holding my breath, just as with the first one. But just like the first one, I felt the ending was weak, it feels messy and a bit too exposition heavy, and just not very scary.

That's not to say the film isn't scary as a whole, there are plenty of eerie scenes that really have the ability to just creep you right out. They're so simple too and I think that's why they work, it doesn't feel overdone or over produced (I'm looking at you, The Nun). They let the unnerving moments linger, and all feels like it could be real, which is what you want with found footage. This is a film where it's low budget actually helps in that department.

I think the weakest aspect of the film is the acting, which is noticeably worse the first, where I felt those actors did a fine job, I don't recall ever thinking about their acting skills and everything seems believable. In Hell House LLC 2 the acting gives the production a bit more of an amateur feel. However once things get going the tension takes over and the actors also seem to improve for the most part. Except for one person, who's physical acting and dialogue delivery was just subpar the whole way through.

This one also tends to jump around a lot more than the first and feels a tad messy, but really the tension in this makes up for most shortcomings. It's obvious that writer/director Stephen Cognetti is a talented guy. When he's in the zone with the scary aspects he pretty much nails it, both in the first film and in this one. For fans of the first I would definitely recommend it. It's more of the same really, but still manages to be very creepy when it tries to be. I'd really like to see what Cognetti could do with more resources and a larger budget.
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The only scary thing about this was the acting
kkmgirl-448-11198811 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely horrendous. I already struggle "believing" found footage films, but since the first Hell House was Ok, I gave this a chance. And I destroyed perfectly good brain cells for no reason. The actors were surely hired at a local mall and the script was written by 15 year old YouTubers. NOTHING about this made sense, from the ridiculous "Morning Show" segments (blech), the silly YouTube victims (let's follow a random creepy hitchhiker into the creepy basement! Great idea!), the addition of the cheesy psychic who was killed anticlimatically, the ending exposition word vomit from a wannabe Vincent Price, and the "twist" that made zero sense according to the plot reveal. This was a greedy attempt to cash in on the first movie and it's insulting. It had none of the character development or creepiness, so what was the point? Then they ruin the mysterious Monster by having him pontificate (poorly to boot) around a zombie laden table about his Grand Plan which was already fairly obvious to the semi-intelligent. And don't get me started on the camera- by the end when he's screaming to "pick up that camera" I wanted to break my TV. Wtf? So he wants to broadcast his Grand Plan for the world to know he's trying to send people to hell? Makes ToTaL sense. Then why not send zombie blondie to the police with the video? And on that point, he's forcing the main character to choose which of them gets to leave the house ("I've already made my choices... now it's your turn"... who writes this crap?), yet neither one makes it out alive. I wish it didn't piss me off how stupid it all is, but it does. It's not that hard to write something coherently. And if it is that hard, it's time to find a new job.
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mf281224 September 2018
First off, I have to say, I LOVED the first "Hell House LLC". I've watched it many, many times and still love it. The characters and character development was fantastic. There wasn't a member of the cast who let down the movie.

I was apprehensive about this one, though. And for good reason. This is the second Found Footage/Mockumentary style movie that from the off we were told it would be a trilogy (Creep 2015) being the other. The second "segment" as I'll put it, failed to live up to its predecessor and that has happened here as well. Don't get me wrong, this was good, but not great. And that is what the original is. Maybe because, without trying to be too harsh, it's a time filler that has to be good enough to keep you engrossed whilst keeping the (what you'd hope) best for last?

Anyway. Up until the first 20 minutes I honestly thought I was in for a dreadful sequel. The "Morning Mysteries" bit just didn't work. I get the payoff (which I won't give away) but it was far too cheesy and forced. The acting was unrealistic and the green-screen thing looked too bad to be true. I know the guys are on a tight budget, but they were on the first too but it wasn't noticeable. It flowed more and you got the feeling these guys were a team, each with their own quirks, but essentially good guys who you could imagine going for a pint with. There was nobody in this one. Not even Mitchell.

A HUGE problem in this one as well is there was no Paul. And I'm not meaning Gore Abrams himself as that's obviously not possible storyline wise, but nobody to take us through on cam who was fun. The girl who played Molly in this so overacted that I can't believe nobody pulled her up about it. She basically came across as fodder for The Abbadon and that was never the case with any characters in the first.

It did get considerably better once we were over the main "Morning Mysteries" segment, but it kept popping back to it now and again and it started to get annoying to be honest.

All in all, I promised myself I'd write a non biased review and here it is. I wasn't completely disappointed, but I just hope Stephen Cognetti has a good script for the 3rd and takes most of the criticism constructively.

It's not a bad effort, but the bar was set by the first and ultimately that can come back ironically and bite you in the ass.

The movie gets a 6 from me and I'll definitely be watching the concluding part.
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Major disappointment compared to the original
bau2501 October 2018
What were they thinking? It's like the purposely did the exact opposite of what made the first film work. Acting was atrocious and wasn't believable at all.
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Horror begets evolution
IrateTyrant18 October 2021
This is the film in the series that introduces the main antagonist. Brian David Tracy does an amazing job at transitioning the screentime from the actors in the first movie to his supporting role in the second film. Whereas the first movie begged us to want to follow the original cast's plight, the second movie gets us rooting for the bad guys at times. Some of the subtle approaches to the horror genre which were staples in the first film remain intact into this movie and the director often shines the light on them stronger. The addition of the newscaster played by Amanda K. Morales adds the same kind of culling of the audience's expectations that goes hand-in-hand with the villain's introduction and she does a good job. The audience will be wanting the clowns to return, after watching their effectiveness in the first film, and this movie uses that position to pivot their material in a very fresh direction.
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rckscarter6 January 2019
This is a perfect example of an unwarranted sequel leaving behind a bitter taste in one's mouth. The first Hell House wasn't exactly original: there are hundreds of found footage, paranormal films on the market. What separated it was the execution, the build, the unsettling creepiness and the intense, abrupt ending. The feel of the sequel is filmmaker's going to the well again hoping for a cash cow, but not having enough content to fill time, so they insert needles explanatory angles that ruin the mystique of the first film. Not a terrible film, mind you. Just don't go into watching Hell House LLC 2 with an expectation of it being comparable to the first.
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Just bad.
mail-1903524 September 2018
Everything from the actors to script to cinematography is bad, you can really feel how low budget this movie is. Not worth watching.
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Well that was one way to do it
spinalremains8022 January 2021
Everything about this movie was overdone. Especially the actors reactions. You took a perfectly fine movie and ruined it with this.
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Great series
phillip-5884623 September 2019
Idk why so many hate I love the hell house series it not your crazy blood and gore but good old fashion scares and jumps. I thought all 3 movies were awesome and I'm a horror junkie I even bought all 3 on my Apple TV, it's creepy and with you deff have to watch all 3 in the dark for the best effect. This is why I'm a shudder subscriber and fan they put out some of the best underground horror films
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Just a mess of "found footage"
flannery197824 September 2018
This seems like a film requested by Shudder, shot for nothing, and filmed with zero effort whatsoever. This is the type of generic work that a group of teenagers could shoot on weekends, and release on YouTube, so not sure why Shudder would allow this on their platform with films like The Innkeepers.

Pro tip: calling something scary, just because you want it to be is the very definition of lazy writing.

With a modicum of effort, this could have been an interesting installment for this unique property, but the filmmakers couldn't be bothered apparently.
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Decent sequel
kyleallencole99 July 2019
This one was a decent sequel, however it wasn't nearly as terrifying as the first Hell House. I did enjoy this one and do recommend it
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First was way better
rupert-ian26 September 2018
I really liked the first movie and was excited for the sequel, but it went off the rails. The parts that were left to your imagination in the first work best if you don't watch this to fill in the gaps. This was a fail IMO, especially the end.

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Much better than I expected.
berg-7453229 November 2020
I'm positive the main reason this is getting low scores is that right now horror snobs rip jump scare heavy movies, it's somehow considered cheap and low effort. Hard to believe that the industry this movie is about that is completely based on jump scares and is ridiculously popular and profitable is somehow low effort. Everything that is popular has a group of people who claim to be the enlightened torchbearers that tell us who and what is worthy of attention and unfortunately this and other sites like it are festooned with people who detail every step every scene every performance within a movie and while people must like that it makes no sense to me. All I want from a review is what the person thought and maybe a broad comparison that's just me. I enjoyed this because I watched the movie. Don't get me wrong I realize my review is not worth more (and maybe less to many) than others, the fact is more people review these movies the complete opposite of me shows I'm in the minority. I watch movies like this on a very basic level more thumbs up and down then 1 to 10.
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Terrible - Seems like 9th graders took a crash course in movie making & failed
user-322-32615627 September 2018
I don't know where to start this film is so terrible. The acting is atrocious, stiff & phony. I feel like I could have acted better (I have no acting skills whatsoever and have anxiety on top of that). The logic of this film is ridiculous & makes no sense. I will say that I found the original film very good & above average for this genre and I was highly anticipating the sequel. Again, this film is completely wretched - just stay away from it and save an hour and a half of your life and do something different. Everyone nvolved in this project should be highly ashamed & embarrassed of themselves. Two thumbs down.
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Still creepy
devils_neighbor_66727 April 2021
Even more creepy moments than in the first, but a bit confusing at times when jumping to and from interviews and different time Periods.. but overall still a very good film!
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Enjoyable enough followup
kannibalcorpsegrinder27 October 2018
After the disappearance of their friends, a documentary group looking to investigate the goings on of the previous people who disappeared return to the supposedly haunted hotel to find out for sure only to become embroiled in the same deranged series of encounters that befell the other group.

For the most part, this was a decidedly decent if somewhat underwhelming follow-up. One of the stronger aspects featured here is the opening half that devotes an incredibly enjoyable amount of time to set up the aftermath of the original. The fact that there's a hint of realism featured here as to how the media would handle such a situation with the talking-head TV shows and investigative pieces that look into the history and people involved. This gives the film a solid base to tie into the previous entry as the second half delves into the new group entering the hotel and getting stranded inside. There's a generally creepy air throughout the hotel as they engage in their filming and find the area just as creepy as before with the endless corridors, never-ending maze of dead-ends and mind-games that shouldn't be there including the reappearing props or power changes that are quite prominent at the location. As well, the encounters with the ghosts are rather enjoyable and creepy, managing to work in some great moments here. The hitchhikers encountering the one spirit on the highway and taking her to the hotel where they have a chilling encounter there is a fantastic start to this, while the mysterious figures in the photographs and video footage are incredibly creepy when they manage to just pop up unexpectedly to freak them out. There's a rather enjoyable air of relentlessness at that point where it just sends ghouls and various figures they know shouldn't be there that adds a lot to the film as a whole. Most of the creepiness comes from the deranged look of the ghouls which are quite creepy, and overall these are more than enough to hold this up over it's few main flaws. The film's biggest issue is the finale where it's a major letdown from the previous entry as the full revelation of what the entity's looking for and how they're there are just lame and not all that impressive. It's just underwhelming to know that's the full extent of their purpose for being invited and really just smacks of being an afterthought which isn't the case with the original which had a more pronounced and effective atmosphere. It's also rather complicated in its set-up as to the cutting back-and-forth to the interview segments in the studio and back to their exploits in the hotel itself which is distracting with seeing them alive and then being tortured split seconds later, making the overall presentation if not the setup being quite disorienting. Otherwise, there's not much else to this one.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language and Graphic Violence.
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Disappointing after the first.. and it looks like there will be more of the same to come
lcanderson-1386430 September 2018
I enjoyed the original Hell House, in the crowded shaky cam world of found footage it was pretty original (although The Houses October Built got there first) and genuinely creepy. I think it worked so well, in part, because it left a lot of things open and unexplained.

After much anticipation, the sequel was just disappointing. It took pains to tie up all the loose ends and create a mythology... and in doing so ended up towards the "hokey mess" end of the found footage spectrum.

The first had decent acting and believable characters, whereas this was just annoying. Also they tried too hard to justify the "why don't you stop filming?" found footage conundrum, in a way that appeared to land initially but if you thought about it for two seconds was just plain silly.

And the mythology they created was explained as going on and on into the future... which I expect is the film makers' plan for this franchise.

Overall, if you are an avid found footage fan then this is perfectly watchable. But if you were a big fan of the original as an a-typical found footage, then this will probably disappoint.
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Needed better acting
Steve-Argent239 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Decent story building for the middle film in a trilogy and some good scares but whereas I thought the first film probably qualifies as the best found footage film I've seen, the second film is held back by some poor acting. In the first film you are instantly introduced to Sara and Paul joking around about her movie knowledge (or lack of) and they just come across as very likeable and believable, the second though two of the actors (Molly and Brock) overact so badly it makes them difficult to watch, for me it was a relief to see scenes without them but I wouldn't say acting from the other actors is great either, it's just not as bad as Molly and Brock.

There is a pub scene in this film that tries to build likeability of the characters in this film but it just doesn't work like the scenes of the group talking about previous Hell House ventures in the first film.

Overall not the worst, but I hope for better acting in the 3rd film which I'll still watch in hope that it can reproduce the quality of the first film.
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Decent Follow-up to a Creepy Found Footage Film
Reviews_of_the_Dead4 March 2021
Now I'll be honest, I was late to the game for the original Hell House LLC and I believe this sequel was already made by the time I saw the original with 3rd film in the series coming out soon after, but I don't completely remember. This movie popped up when I did a randomizer for a number that correlated to a movie for something that I do for Featured Reviews in January over on Journey with a Cinephile: A Horror Movie Podcast. The synopsis here is eight years since the opening night tragedy of Hell House, LLC and still there are many unanswered questions remaining. Thanks to an anonymous tip, investigative journalist Jessica Fox (Jillian Geurts) is convinced that key evidence is hidden inside the abandoned Abaddon Hotel, evidence that will shed light on the hotel's mysteries.

This starts us off stating that a film production company has been receiving footage over the last 2 years. It is compiled into this film we're about to see, but what we are does not reflect their beliefs. I did enjoy this as a cover-up and helping with the realism as I see disclaimers like this regularly on movies I own when it comes to commentaries or even television shows.

We then get a few different stories of people that have gone into the Abaddon Hotel and have never been seen again. We get an eerie one of Jackson Mallet (Tom Sibley) through his mother telling us things. Her name is Wendy (Laura Frenzer). What I like here is we see a home movie of Jackson as a boy, playing a tune on a keyboard and the name of the hotel pops up. This is establishing that how strong the entities are within this hotel along with showing how far back this goes.

The movie then shifts over to one of our major parts. There is a television show called Morning Mysteries that is hosted by Suzy McCombs (Amanda K. Morales). She is hosting a panel talking about the Abaddon Hotel and what happened with Hell House, LLC. On here is Mitchell Cavanaugh (Vasile Flutur) who is the only surviving member. With him on the show as a member of the city council is Arnold Tasselman (Brian David Tracy). He's there to convince the audience and those involved there's nothing going on inside of this hotel. He is hoping this will get everyone to leave the place alone. There is also a TV psychic of Brock Davies (Kyle Ingleman) who is looking to build on his fame and use the Abaddon Hotel as part of it. There is a lot of name calling and bickering back and forth. This also helps to establish more of the back-story with the other major part.

Then the other main part is that we have a blog called The Inside. They do investigative journalism and actually exposed some politicians who are now behind bars. Jessica runs this along with Molly Reynolds (Joy Shatz) and David Morris (Dustin Austen). They seek out Mitchell's help where, despite what he claims, he does go back into the Abaddon Hotel with them. They believe there are tapes in the basement that will unlock the truth of what is happening there. They're joined by Brock and his camera man for a nightmare they weren't expecting.

To shift over to the analysis, I do like what this movie is doing here in theory. The original was supposedly happening in 2010 from what I gather where this movie is taking place more in present times. What happened in the Abaddon Hotel has drawn a lot of interest so we have people who shouldn't be going in and there are documentary shows as well which all feels pretty real. I will say though the execution isn't always there for me unfortunately.

I'll start though with what I did like. Everything for the most part in the Abaddon Hotel worked for me. I like bringing back Mitchell as he was there previously so he can navigate and relays things. It gets explained why he was allowed to leave. We also get a few things that happen here that correlate back to the original movie. This all works for me. We see a character like Melissa (Lauren A. Kennedy) hitchhiking and there's a bit here explaining how people who were missing were interviewed as well.

Sticking with the hotel, I really like that we're getting that there's something supernatural going on there so that is why people can't leave at times. Using the found-footage angle does make this creepier. I'll be honest, I watched this alone, at night and in the dark. When it ended, there were a few things that stuck with me that made me uncomfortable navigating to my bedroom. That is where I'm going to give credit to the effects. They use contacts to make people look creepy and the practical stuff with things that we assume are fake move worked as well. I'm also glad that they toned down things with the camera messing up digitally. I understand why it is used in movies, but it is overdone and annoys me now since it has been used so much. There was a bit of CGI here that didn't really bother me. Really the only thing that did annoy me here was the television show using green screen which wasn't that big of an issue.

To get into what doesn't work is that television show we see. I understand why it is there and I like that it fills in things. What does work is syncing it up where we get information there, shift to the hotel and see how it correlates. What the real issue there was the acting. I wasn't a big fan of Morales. The interactions on the show between Flutur, Tracy and Ingleman were all awkward, but not a way that feels natural for 3 people who don't like each other. It just doesn't come off as feeling real there and felt staged. Aside from that, everyone in the hotel I thought showed good fear so I will give credit there.

In conclusion, I think that this movie does do some things really well and others not so much in my opinion. I really like everything that we're getting inside of the Abaddon Hotel. That was creepy and made me uncomfortable. The acting got my on nerves for the fake documentary show they're doing, but everything when it comes to fear was good. This movie made me uncomfortable which was good. I do think the editing and pacing was well done. There is a bit of soundtrack here, but the footage is edited so I'm fine with that. I think this movie does well in building on to the mythology, which works for me. If you like found footage, I think this is a solid enough sequel and I come in with this as an above average movie overall.
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