A Dark Song (2016) Poster


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Feels fresh and different in the horror genre
jon_pratt1234514 September 2021
A really unusual idea; just 2 people stuck in a house performing a ritual. The realism of the setting and acting creates a foreboding atmosphere and you're left unsure if this film is about the supernatural or just human psychology. The final quarter of the film goes at a slightly different pace and overall I preferred what comes before but this film was really trying something new and different and is a really effective horror.
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Intriguing slow-burn film, didn't love the ending
medelste4 May 2017
As other reviewers have noted, if you're looking for an "Insanitarium"-style splatter-fest then this film is not for you. The first hour of "Dark Song" is a mysterious, deliberately-paced psychological thriller with two interesting characters stuck together in a house for months, feeling each other out. An occultist (Joseph) is trying to help a woman (Sophia) contact her dead son. This requires dark rituals, fasting episodes, and sleep deprivation. Their motivations and honesty are both in question, leading to plenty of dramatic tension. What's real, in terms of both past and present? Who's lying to whom? The film takes its time exploring these questions, and for the first hour at least, the viewer's patience is well-rewarded. I especially liked Steve Oram's occultist character, who doesn't fit the classic mold of "actor" or "hero" one bit, and is all the more fascinating for it. I won't go into deeper detail for spoiler reasons, but suffice to say that both characters fall into the logical traps of mistrust, manipulation, and frustration after being cooped up for so long.

My problem with "Dark Song" was its ending. It made sense from a dramatic standpoint, and of course there were several directions it could have taken. The fact that I wasn't satisfied doesn't mean you won't be. But along the way I had some really freaky ideas that I hoped would be explored, and they weren't.

In any case, I still recommend "Dark Song" as a mature, well-made, and disturbing psychological thriller.
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Believe the Hype
gavin694219 April 2017
A determined young woman and a damaged occultist risk their lives and souls to perform a dangerous ritual that will grant them what they want.

"A Dark Song" is already being praised as one of the best horror films of 2017. While it is always good to be skeptical about such hype or buzz, especially when it is coming out of the film's own PR machine, in this case it just so happens to be true. This film is bound to make it on to many best-of lists for the year.

What makes the film brilliant is its two main characters, who we (the audience) are never quite sure about. We have a woman with ambiguous motives and purposes, and this uncertainty only adds to our curiosity and the film's suspense. Even when we find out why she is involving herself in the occult, we are only given half-truths, and more layers are left to be unpeeled.

In contrast, we have a dubious leader for this cross-dimensional experiment. C. S. Lewis famously said that Jesus was either the lord, a liar, or a lunatic. While this man is no savior, the same three categories could apply to him. For much of the film we do not know if he is a lord (authentic), a liar (charlatan trying to get money from a mark) or a lunatic (someone who thinks they have powers but clearly does not). This uncertainty is what drives us to keep watching, to see if he can deliver on his promises... and how, along the way, we see how shady he just might be.

The dark, ominous score is perfect, and for a film with a modest budget we still get some creepy effects (such as a dead dog). The creators made a film the way a film ought to be made: within the boundaries allotted without over-reaching or stretching yourself too thin.

Most of all, the praise should go to the excellent writing, which not only provides the two great characters, but really captures the occult. Not that I claim any real knowledge of black magic or the dark arts, but everything here is done so well, so convincingly that it seems like it could be real. And that is about the highest praise a script or fantastic film can receive.
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A cerebral dark occultist tale with a horror element
leehoe441 May 2017
Horror movies come in many forms. Some are about the gore, some are about the creatures, and some are just plain disturbing. Though i like many a horror film with those qualities, a true horror fan of the genre also has to appreciate the horror films that try to get under your skin without trying have someone's face ripped off. A Dark Song may be subtle but it is a horror tale nonetheless. What makes this a gem is the ride to the climax. With great performances from the two main characters and it's haunting score it's able to create a tense dark atmospheric mood so that when the horror elements do begin to appear it makes them far creepier than most films with a bigger budget. Most horror movies can be compared to other horror movies because they're filled with the usual clichés but this is a unique horror film with a redeeming quality that is very rare in films of this genre..if your looking for a movie where people are being chased by monsters or tortured by inbreds then this movie is not for you..but if your looking for a horror movie with an intelligent approach then turn down the lights, get your popcorn and let this movie work its magic
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Slow Burner With A Lesson
Foutainoflife30 June 2018
Seeking revenge is a pathway of darkness but forgiveness is absolving and divine.

Not a bad film but very slow. More creepy than horrific.
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Your Patience will be Rewarded
TheRedDeath3017 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It seems like horror fans are being blessed with a wave of amazing indie horror films from exciting new directors in the past year. I have been wowed by, recently, by TRAIN TO BUSAN and THE DEVIL'S CANDY, and now we get A DARK SONG, though I am going to say right off the bat that this is probably not a movie that is going to appeal to everyone, or even to every horror fan. The majesty of this film lies in the careful crafting of its' spell, both figuratively and literally, weaving an intricate pattern of subtle nuance that builds power as it goes, until the spell is ready to unleash its' true nature.

Okay, enough with the hyperbole and bad metaphors. The plot summary pretty much sums this up for you. A woman seeks out a man who is skilled in the "dark arts", asking him to help her craft a spell that will give them each their one, true desire. This is true occultism, too, real Aleister Crowley, mid-90s issue of HELLBLAZER type of stuff. We are not talking about the weird goth in your class who calls herself Wiccan. This isn't THE CRAFT or some other teenage understanding of bookstore wizardry, not is it the red cloaks and devil head ceremonies of a movie like THE DEVIL RIDES OUT. No, this feels real right from the beginning. The spells they are seeking, the methods they choose to obtain it. All of it feels real. It's very important to the nature of the film because the entire setup depends on this spell.

This is where the patience is required. Many scenes have little action to them, but we are building towards something. We are learning about our characters, who they are and the lengths they will go to achieve their ends. We are learning about the spell, the sacrifice it requires of each of them and the dedication to it. Horror fans love to talk about the "slow burn" and this definitely fits that description, but many films pigeon holed into that category are interminably slow, with a five minute payout. This movie starts to reap rewards sooner and have them last longer. There is a creeping edge to this movie that lingers under your skin. The anticipation of what is coming, of what lurks in the shadows, draws the viewer in so stealthily that there were scenes that I was, quite literally, waiting with baited breath to see what was going to happen, tensed at the fear of what I was about to see.

The final twist, like any twist, will either agitate viewers or enrapture them, but in my opinion is a fitting coda to everything that preceded it. The movie is about the dedication to achieving what we truly want. Sometimes, we don't really understand what it is that we want. Sometimes, we are surprised by our truest desires.

This is a smart, well-crafted movie that not all horror fans, or film fans will enjoy. If you are willing to give it the space to breathe and the time to tell its' tale, and seek it with an open mind, it really is worth the investment.
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After a terrific opening, it just slows to a crawl
derekjager30 April 2017
I was really looking forward to A DARK SONG since I had heard so many good things about it. However, after a terrific opening, it just slows to a crawl. It is one of those films that you watch hoping for something, anything, to happen. (It reminded me of the equally dull yet great to look at I AM THE PRETTY THING THAT LIVES IN THE HOUSE.) It has tremendous talent in front of (Steve Oram and Catherine Walker) and behind the camera (Cathal Watters); every shot looks like a painting, the acting and dialogue are pretty flawless, but the further it goes on, its aimlessness becomes apparent and it seems director/writer Liam Gavin just didn't know how to end it or where to end it.

I think it's being mismarketed, too. There are zero--and I mean zero--scares in the film. While the atmosphere keeps building, there is never really a payoff and the "feel good" ending sort of torpedos the premise of the film.

Great trailer, just not at all the film I was expecting.
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The Devil really is in the Details
A_Different_Drummer29 April 2017
This writer has always felt that the job of a reviewer was not merely to whine and prattle about what does (or does not) happen on screen, but rather to try to introduce the film to the discerning viewer in a way which assists the decision as to whether to see it ... or not? It is projects like Dark Song, however, that make such a simple ambition seem ever so complex.

For starters, I will suggest that the best (and most recent) analog I can name is the excellent 2016 Autopsy of Jane Doe. Both films are clearly of the horror genre, both films work their magic by confining two strong personalities (and superb actors) in a confined space, and both films follow the Prime Directive of possibly every horror film ever made, namely "whatever can go wrong will go wrong."

But that's where the similarities end. Autopsy of Jane Doe is merely a solid and workmanlike exposition of a clever, entertaining, theme. Dark Song is simultaneously the debut of a writer/director with a distinct, clear and uncommon "voice"; and, at the same time, a horror tale so intricately involved with the minutiae, the moment-to-moment, of true ritual magic (is there any other kind?) that at times you almost, just for a split second, wonder if you are watching a reality show instead of a fictional drama?

No small feat, that. Especially from a country that can lay legitimate claim to having produced one of the only genuine, verified, ritual occultists in western history (Aleister Crowley). To watch a film like this aware that there are individuals who literally dedicate their lives to such practices takes the viewer to new levels of awareness ... and terror.

The end result is something about as distant from the dozens of currently popular "found footage" films ... as the earth is from the moon.

Plainly put, to appreciate this film, to drink in and savour every nuance, the viewer himself (or herself) must be willing to commit to the movie to the same extent that the central characters commit to the core ritual.

That is to say, lock yourself in, don't leave your seat, and, whatever happens, do not break the circle of salt.

If you do all that, you may not get to meet an "angel" willing to grant your special boon, but you will get a film experience you will likely never forget.
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All build up for little to no payoff
horrorgasm30 April 2017
At first, I was interested by the ambiguous circumstances, i.e. is this guy really helping her do magic or is he just some weirdo that's tormenting her for some reason? The premise and characters are solid enough that this is compelling enough to string you along for a while, despite a glacially slow pace, but then the big questions are answered and the mystery disappears and then things just start kind of meandering for an uncomfortably long while.

There are many more attempts to build suspense later on, but none of it really stands out. Things do take a turn that I did not expect near the end, which I won't mention, but by this point you're already 1h20m into a 1h40m movie. The "payoff" is brief and handicapped by some really lackluster effects, and the final scene will just leave you scratching your head wondering why. No, not in the sense that it's confusing in any way, it's very simple and straight forward, but it's one of those endings that's just TOO simple and sappy. So much that it makes you wonder just what the hell the point of everything the characters did over all that time was. All of that effort? For that? Ugh.

Edit: P.S. Who else is wondering what exactly all the reviews calling this movie intelligent and cerebral are about? I notice people love to throw around terms like that when referring to movies like this, yet somehow never seem to get around to explaining what was so clever about them. The movie had good dialogue and acting, but the plot couldn't have been simpler and the underlying message of the film is one we've all seen many times before across various genres, so I'm at a real loss trying to see what exactly anyone found intelligent about this movie. A lack of creatures and gore doesn't automatically make a movie intelligent, kids.
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slow builder full of occultism
trashgang5 September 2017
A Dark Song is an excellent horror without the gore or the typical elements to make you jump. This flick is about a mother calling in the help of an occultist to bring her back to her murdered kid. It's a slow flick but I was attracted towards the screen because you want to know what is going to happen.

Even as there aren't any jump scene's or the mentioned gore it still works. It doesn't involve the over-hyped ghost as seen in most Hollywood productions, therefor there wasn't enough money. But don't worry, if you like your flicks dark and full of references to masses and Satan then this is your stuff.

No effects, and it did what it has to do. If you are into occultism then this is a must see. And I agree, at the end I asked myself, what the hell I just watched. Worth picking up if you are open minded.

Gore 0/5 Nudity 1/5 Effects 0/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
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Awesome recipe, half baked result
danny-fr-mail9 May 2017
A Dark Song is one of these movies where everything is set by the ambiance and the claustrophobic dimension of its writing. Taking its time to expose its core, it manages to keep viewers on its toes during half its length, making them forget about details that should in all logic ruin the suspension of disbelief.

Unfortunately, passed that point, it becomes clear that the movie fails to deliver, losing its identity somewhere between psychological thriller and slow paced horror.

Where these two genres could have blended together to create not only an almost original approach to horror/paranormal in the manner of The Babadook or as a darker, much more grounded, ascetic version of Pan's Labyrinth, or even as Identity with an occult twist... it just falls flat

The lack of dramatic climaxes, consistency, and an extremely clumsy third act gives the impression that the writer created the rules of the movies' universe as the story was progressing. Some would argue that that A Dark Song is meant to be appreciated more intellectually than viscerally, but too little is exposed to trigger any reflection, yet too much is revealed to leave some room to the viewer's imagination.

The cherry on the half-baked cake is a very disappointing ending, which seems to belong to another movie altogether.

There are redeeming qualities: the scoring, disturbing yes not annoying, fits the ambiance perfectly, and the acting is all in all pretty good (probably the only reason why some scene retains a certain level of intensity).

If you're in need of some slower paced horror, give Uzumaki or Kairo a chance, but skip this, there are many other, better ways to spend 130 minutes.
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Subtle and powerful
MikeWright7523 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It makes such a change to get a supernatural movie that makes the viewer use their imagination, rather than bombarding them with CGI and men in rubber suits. This is a study of the old chestnut, 'Be careful what you wish for'. A young mother whose son had been murdered, seeks revenge on his killers via a magic ritual invoking angels. It's clearly influenced by the "Bornless Ritual", an invocation used by Aleister Crowley to summon his Holy Guardian Angel and the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage which Crowley attempted at Boleskin House on the shores of Loch Ness. The ritual allegedly requires at least 6 months of preparation, celibacy and abstinence from alcohol. However, it also includes the summoning of the 12 Kings and Dukes of Hell, to bind them and remove their negative influences from the magician's life. Crowley was in the process of performing the lengthy ritual, when he was called to Paris by the leader of the Golden Dawn. According legend,he never banished the demons he had summoned, leading to strange happenings occurring in and around Boleskine House. But I digress.

There have been reviews that bang on about how slow this movie is, and it's lack of pace and excitement. But if you have any understanding of the supernatural, and this movie has been meticulously researched, you'd realise that the real horror lies in fear and what happens in your head. This woman, who so craves revenge, is on her own personal spiritual journey. She realises, at the 11th hour, that revenge and hatred offer nothing but pain and emptiness, and that forgiveness, both for her son's killers and herself, is what she really needs to find any peace.

I liked the dynamic between the woman and occultist, the loathing and disrespect, the sharing and mutual need. There's one really funny moment where they both share their recurring dreams.

The film is subtle in its suspense and horror, with a nice slow build and some really creepy effects. The ending seems a bit clichéd, but was saved from being corny by illustrating the power of forgiveness over revenge, and good over evil. On the whole, one of the better horror/supernatural movies of 2017 so far. I loved it.
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An unapologetic occultist horror movie.
Obi-Wan-2216 April 2017
Woah. This movie is about the occult and it doesn't beat around any bush. We are starting crazy with eight month long occultist rituals from the get-go. The plot, story and characters are all intriguing and well- designed. However, we have a (maybe) $100,000 budget when $3 million would have made an excellent movie. The director gets everything there is to get from his budget, but the script deserved more. Give Spielberg his very needed return to horror with this script and he makes an instant classic. As it is, very creepy with grotesquely good music.
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Blimey, what a long and arduous process
selfdestructo17 April 2023
Prepare yourself for another slow, slow, incredibly slow burn. Apparently, you need to be an occultist to fully appreciate this! I felt like A Dark Song worked on a couple levels, though I'm not certain this was this writer/director's full intention. I enjoyed the character study aspect -- two people holed up in the same house for months on end, and second, this is sort of a mystery -- as in, is this guy just some psycho? Drama/mystery, not a horror movie. Ultimately, you're looking for a great payoff with a slow burn... and frankly, I don't know if sitting through this particular 100 minutes is worth this particular payoff.

Hey, critics loved it!
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Impressive occult slow burner
Stevieboy66617 October 2019
A grieving mother rents a large, isolated house and employs an occultist to undertake a gruelling set of magical rituals so that she can contact her dead, 7 year old son. The idea of making a film of which most of the running time focuses on magical ritual is excellent, the occult being a topic that has always fascinated me. As other reviews state this is a slow burn but it is very well made and the two main characters (both played excellently by Catherine Walker and Steve Oram) make for compelling viewing. He, the occultist, is rude, foul mouthed and frankly common, whereas she is well spoken and well educated. They are like chalk and cheese but this is what helps make their relationship so interesting. The house itself is creepy, the location is bleak and the fantastic musical score just elevates the moodiness. There is in horror movies a saying that less is more and this is true for most of its running time. However, when demons are actually visible near the end I felt that it did lower the film very slightly, not quite the brilliant ending that I was hoping for but decent none the less.
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Misinterpreted ending to a great film...
jmb-680859 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As most people have already mentioned, this is not a horror film. This is more of a psychological horror/ thriller flick. The premise of the movie seems to be grasping at any kind of demon invocation in order to summon ones guardian angel in order to be granted a request. Reviewers have suggested summoning kings of hell, etc. but painting japanese characters onto a person's body doesn't seem like something you'd do to invoke a demon based on a European religion. Now, the reason for my review. Sophia states pretty early on in the film that she doesn't do forgiveness. She makes her intentions known that she seeks vengeance and suddenly Solomon is injured. She states she wants to watch that person die in the most terrible way (she gets to). Solomon's wound festers and he suffers an agonizing death before being dragged away by a demon. The reason she asks for forgiveness instead of vengeance is that Solomon is already dead and she wants to finally move on. He also asks her do you think I had anything to do with it? (Her sons death). I think people are perceiving a twist ending when she really is getting what she asked for. She shrugs off his questions about her son's death changing her story every time. Kidnapped, occultists, etc. And we already know Soloman has failed this ritual with two other people. Rewatch this film and think about it, I will...
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Good Stuff.
LordCommandar28 April 2017
I'm not a big fan of the cult nor do I subscribe to any of what I watched in this film. But I got to tell you, if there are people who are out there practicing this stuff, Be very careful of the powers you dabble with in rituals you perform. You will wind up getting more than what you bargain for, I truly believe spirits are real. I mean this film was straight and to the point about this mother and this occultist performing a really elaborate ritual to summon and angel for what the both wanted. Long story short, things go wrong, one person ends up dead and the one person ends up crossing the protective circle around the house and then all hell breaks loose so to speak. It didn't take much for this film to be good, other than the story and the two characters which all of it was just spot on. The story, the music, the scenes, all just fantastic. Anyone into good story telling will simply enjoy this one a whole lot. And the ending was one the best I've seen in a very long time with films that deal with ritual performing. Truth be told I thought it was going to be stupid, but the end took me by surprise and blew my mind. Good stuff.
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aboveaura5 December 2020
It starts well but leads up to nothing. There are no scares here but it does have a decent atmosphere and good acting. The ending is the worst part. It's a slow burner that leads up to a boring feel-good ending that's apparently supposed to move you to tears according to some of these reviews but for me it just made me realize that I had wasted my time. This is more of a psychological drama, not a horror nor a thriller, maybe if I had come into it expecting just that I'd have appreciated it more.
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Brilliant work, would buy this and watch it until the disc breaks.
kmdaykin8 June 2017
This movie blew me away. The photography and imagery are stunning, the acting and direction are excellent. After a decade of jump scares, creepy dead kids, cgi face warps and references to Satan, this movie goes back to grass roots and reminds us how horror stories should be told to the audience.
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Liked it !
kostikas-6208723 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Nice horror. Little slow. Gaved me a Constantine vibe.
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if you want a good nap
Rohit_murari11 August 2017
watched this movie after reading all the reviews here, hoping it was a hidden gem, disappointed and lost some credit points from my family as it was my choice.

its a long winded film, bordering on some gross and disgusting scenes at times, with nothing to amount to it in the end.

if you want real horror, stay away, watch if you want a good nap on a Saturday afternoon after lunch, works better than any sleeping pills.

i give it a 2, because I'm not that mean.
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Loved it
pkawski14 May 2017
It was engaging. It draws you in. Acting was really good. It is unusual for a "horror" type movie to be so good. This is no slasher. Not predictable like most of the movies about summoning devil /dark rituals etc. I did not expect much but I was positively surprised. I specifically signed up to give that movie a good review as it deserves it :)
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stupid ending ruined it
essanisaad25 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Why visit a shrink when you can create a dark ceremony, get a person killed, get your fingers broken and one chopped off. all to ask for the power to forgive
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Overrated and Boring Horror Film with Messy Conclusion
claudio_carvalho29 April 2017
Sophia Howard (Catherine Walker) rents a house in the countryside of Wales and hires the occultist Joseph Solomon (Steve Oram) to contact his son that was kidnapped and murdered by teenagers practicing black magic. Along the days, Sophia follows the guidance of Solomon in rituals to purify her soul. However Sophia has a hidden agenda that jeopardizes their lives.

"A Dark Song" is an independent low-budget horror movie by the unknown Liam Gavin. The boring and theatrical screenplay is promising until the awful and messy conclusion but goes nowhere. The only good point are the performances of Catherine Walker and Steve Oram, but it is not worthwhile watching this film. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): Not Available
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The dark as it gets!
Reno-Rangan14 August 2017
It was too slow, one of those films that tests your patience. Not your regular horror flick, but the ingredient was little different than the usual for such theme. A limited cast film and most of the story takes place in an isolated mansion somewhere in Ireland. Where the two people assemble to do some kind of ritual to open the door for the dark force, as well as opposite to that with a reason. Very challenging attempt, had to go through many troubles in the process. But how it all turns out, whether they achieve what they were planning for is what takes us to the final stage where it comes to end with a tiny twist.

This is an independent Irish film. Feature film debut for the director. I don't recognise any of two actors, but they were good. Under a small cost, the film had a better quality. Well created atmosphere, the suspense kept the narration to go all way to the finale. Except the opening, the following parts lagged in any kind of development, but once the final act had begun, the scenario had changed and favoured to end high. I would say, that's what saved this film. Otherwise, I was getting ready to bash it. Yet not the best ending, an acceptable one regarding earlier section of the narration. So a decent film, that can be watched once.

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