Last Radio Call (2022) Poster

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Another Found Footage Movie, Another missed Opportunity.
fatfil-414-45179722 January 2022
Ok, the basic plot is that a policeman goes missing while investigating a disturbance at an abandoned hospital. After some of his body cam footage is leaked on the internet, his wife sets out to find out what actually happened. I have watched a lot of found footage movies, and I really felt this one had potential. But as is the case with many in this genre, the story dissolves into a disjointed and confusing mess. It seems like the director is trying to cram a 2 hour story into the measly 75 minutes this one runs for. (and that includes opening and closing credits.) There is really only one main character in the movie, the wife and she does a reasonable job of it. But to be honest she has very little to work with. There are so many gaping holes in the plot, and things left unexplained or that don't make sense, it really did feel like large chunks had been removed from the movie.
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Better than most at this level.
heratyplant22 January 2022
I was expecting to turn off after about 3 minutes, but it had a really well done opening scene, so I stayed along for (some of) the ride.

Good production, direction & story, unfortunately for this promising low budgeter, it was let down badly by most if not all of the actors. They're very 'just out of part time drama classes' & they still take classes at the weekend. They do their best, but they're just not cooked yet & it's all rather wooden. The director didn't seem to make them comfortable with their lines, or maybe he just needed to get them all a bit drunk.

After the initial promise, it all goes wrong at around the 30 minute mark & that was my last call.
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Last call
BandSAboutMovies20 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Directed and written by Isaac Rodriguez, Last Radio Call is a found footage movie all about the night that officer David Serling went missing inside an abandoned hospital. When she recovers his body cam footage, his wife tries to put together what happened to him on the night of June 30th

While David's partner has amnesia, he's never come back home and after a year is listed as deceased, with the ceremonial Last Radio Call sent out to him by dispatch. Rodriguez had made a previous short called Cop Cam that forms that footage we see if what happened that evening.

I've let it be known more than a few times how little I like found footage movies, but this has some decent camera work and build to its scares. It's an intriguing concept and while I think it would have been better as a narrative film, if you're a fan of movies like this, you'll definitely find something to enjoy here.
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ocosis17 January 2022
This was hyped up on social media, but I still jumped in pretty blind as to what it was about. Was surprised to see Sarah Froelich, from noise band Consumer Electronics, as the lead here. A band that I enjoy. Last Radio Call started out promising, but soon started showing the usual found footage horror clichés of jump scares (that didn't work), as well as good but over the top sound design, and the usual shaky cam with static and glitches. 20 minutes in and a ghost girl looks up and screams at the camera. That was enough for me.
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It had its moments
russhird3 February 2022
Not the best, but certainly not the worst "found footage" movie I've seen.

It's not filled with annoying teenagers arguing on a road trip.

It's not a group of people making stupid decisions.

The acting is fine. Some good jump scares. Don't get me wrong it's not "Grave Encounters". But I enjoyed it.

Only an hour and Fifteen minutes long, so quite quickly to the scary bits. If you really can't stand found footage films, obviously it's not going to be for you.

But if you like the genre , give it a go. And watch it with the lights out!
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A horribly untalented cast ruins what could have been a decent FF movie
manuelasaez22 January 2022
Oh man, this was a tough watch. From the beginning of the film, you are bombarded by bad acting and I don't know about any of you, but it immediately ruins the atmosphere of any film for me. From the lead actress to every single supporting character, everyone was absolutely horrid to the point where you start to wonder just how these people got their parts in the first place. They had to read for the roles and audition for them, right? So how could anyone hear their deadpan delivery and atrocious inflections and think, "Yes! I've found my actors!!"?!? I just don't get it. Nepotism and special favors aside, hiring untalented friends and family to work on your movie is asinine and always yields an abomination of a film. It's sad that an otherwise decent story was ruined by such laughable acting, but it goes to show that no matter how tight the script, how big or small your budget or how much you spend on your SFX, if you actors suck, you will always end up with trash.

Avoid this movie and let it be forgotten, as it deserves to be.
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Interesting Concept With Horrible Execution
absolutelyhorrifyingpod10 February 2022
Trailer looked promising and while I love found footage films, the resurgence of "Blair Witch wannabes" recently have been stale. The acting in this is atrocious from everyone besides the witch but by the time we actually get a glimpse of her, the film is finished.

Was shocked to find out this is an actual place and seems to have been filmed in the actual location so I do give them props on that but otherwise skip this and go with something a bit more of a budget.
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Enjoyable Horror
cjstanford-650975 September 2022
I found this pretty much entertaining from start to finish. But there wasn't really anything too surprising. I'm not sure there was in surprise. I wish a creative type would have introduced something deeper. It's touched on when the idea that this haunted area was an Indian burial ground, but that's hardly novel. The plot touches the edge of police and political corruption but doesn't pursue the avenue.

The lead does a good job, shows real acting skills. The 2nd best performance comes from the documentary camera man but it's a low bar since he doesn't but 3 or 4 speaking lines that are pretty much the same, "Run, let's get out of here," plus no in camera scenes.
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Not bad
redban0219 February 2022
A lot of negative reviews for these films are focused on the found footage genre, not the movie itself. If you don't like found footage films, then don't watch, obviously. But if you like found footage, as I do, then you'll find this movie to be OK. The plot is basically about a woman who searches for her husband; her husband was a police officer who disappeared at an abandoned psychiatric ward while on duty. In her search, the lead actress learns about (and later encounters) an entity known as the Red Sister.

The best parts of the movie involve the search for the husband: the lead actress did a fine job, and I especially like the Native America character whom they encounter in the middle of the movie. The movie drops a little when they (inevitably) enter the abandoned hospital. I also wish the ending was different.

Overall ... this film is fine for any fans of found footage.
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spookiest hospital in the whole USA
killercharm9 February 2022
A cop answers a call at the spookiest hospital in the whole USA. His wife gets his body cam tapes and tries to find out what happened to him because he's gone missing. Nobody, including the force, will help her or even talk to her. As much as I love FF this one is just ok. The wife hires a film maker to document her search for answers, but things don't go well for her.
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Grave encounters style movie
Coffeesurfers24 January 2022
I actually enjoyed this.

Others have commented on the actors, however its meant to be an amateur footage flick hence the "actors" not being Shakespearin thespians!

It tells the tale well without being an overly complicated plot and makes you empathise with the wife.

Good ending and nice build up to the plentiful scares.
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Better than its Rating
dupssaggu13 February 2022
I usually watch a movie after seeing its IMDB rating, at the time this was 3.9 and I thought why not. It was pleasantly better than I was expecting.

Yes it's a cam movie, but I thought it was done well. There are plenty of spooky moments (watch alone in the dark at night) and you will appreciate it. I'd recommend horror lovers to give this movie a go.
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Strong Opening, but...
thatbriancarr28 July 2022
Not sure I would say avoid, as this film does have an interesting opening and the first 20 minutes are actually pretty strong. That doesn't quite salvage the rest of the film. Last Radio Call is a touch to cliche to call original. Don't go in expecting the next Blair Witch.
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emsicat8422 January 2022
Ok I don't know where to start.

The acting is so cringe and the dialogue makes zero sense. The premise of the movie is a good one, but that's the only good thing about this so called movie.

I couldn't watch to the end because I had no desire to waste more of my precious time.

This is one of the worst movies I've ever watched, if your gonna make a movie then do a good job.
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good idea went nowhere
tony-146-69562622 January 2022
Another super low budget found footage movie with a predictable script and ending. There are a couple of jump scares but the majority of the movie takes place in the same set piece at the abandoned hospital and that gets old really quick. I thank the makers for the short run time, like 1 hour and 15 minutes, instead of torturing us for a full two hours.

Not even a good drinking movie. There is simply not much there to enjoy.
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Good found footage, good love story
quinnm-7497428 January 2022
Surprisingly good. The leader actor was deadpan enough considering the circumstances. Some scary scenes. But overall a found footage horror movie that's all about the strength of love. I would have prefared a different slightly different ending. I recommend.
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Decent Overall
bishopragz14 July 2022
Contrary to some of the comments on here, it's not that bad of a film. The beginning pace is kind of dull, but if you can push through to around the halfway mark, it's actually kind of fun.

Note: I'm a huge found footage fan, and usually weigh my critique of said films in which happens more: Option A. Scenes that make me say outloud "W(hat)TF IS THAT ??!!!", or Option B. "W(hy)TF was this even made ?"

This one leans more to Option A.
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Either way, I wanna get this one over with
begob6 September 2022
After finding online body-cam footage of the moments leading to the disappearance of her husband during a police call-out, a woman contacts a documentary team to record her pursuit of the truth.

Plenty of problems with definition. This isn't found footage, but does incorporate it into a documentary-style fiction, which sometimes comes across as a multi-media presentation with frequent use of stand-alone audio recordings, plus some mood-faking Geraldo-style ominous music. The documentary team isn't involved in the story (although the cameraman sometimes pitches in), so there's no reflection on the process, nor any thought put in to why this whole setup came about, nor any use of irony to enrich the story. Why did she contact them? What was hiding behind her alcoholism?

In that sense the weakness of the production comes down to poorly defined character motivation. It's not helped by the on-the-nose dialogue, which I think accounts for the less than convincing performances. The climax involves a flurry of weirdness that is confused but kind of interesting, albeit with tricks derivative of the now classic Blair Witch and Grave Encounters.

The short run-time feels a bit long, and as I became distracted amid the disjointed plot points it occurred to me that the fashion for horrors set in abandoned health care institutions is a perverse way of mourning what America lost in its fanatical worship of the markets and their price mechanisms. Only after everything is defunded do the people realize their need, but their sickness makes them project their problems on to the very places where that need was once met. Is it just me? I certainly got a grim laugh at the sight of a drunk being fined $2k for trying to break into a derelict rehab centre. Some irony at last, and surely that's the real horror story.

Overall: Mediocre effort in a low-rent genre.
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I liked it!
Khali_seaweed15 February 2022
Not the best, but that's fine!

I looked at the credits and saw how small the team for this was. Most actors also picked up other work like editing, costume, makeup and filming. I'm pretty impressed with what they have created with their small team and (likely) small budget. The special effects were impressive!

The genre is found footage, which I've heard can be a very hit or miss genre in terms of quality. Last Radio Call had it's moments but I noticed it dragged a bit here and there. I liked the ending, it was very tense. I like the main character too, her acting (it's good guys what are y'all on?) her dialogue and her actions all do a really well job at how her character is desperate to figure out what happened to her husband.

Overall it's a pretty good watch. Ofc the occasional yawn is inevitable but it's better than some of the other stuff from this genre. I recommend it for a movie night with friends!
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Why is this so hyped up?!
stargazerlouis24 July 2022
Stopped watching about 15 minutes in. I didn't find a reason to keep watching it, one of the most boring "films" I ever checked. Stay away and don't waste your time, go watch a real movie instead 😂
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Highly enjoyable and creepy mockumentary/found-footage effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder1 February 2022
After going missing on-duty, a policeman's wife begins looking into the truth behind the incident which soon leads to a dead-end, and just when she's about to give up finds new clues to his whereabouts and presses on again eventually uncovering a dark supernatural folklorish being hunting her.

Overall, this was a highly effective and enjoyable effort. Among the better features here is the rather fun mystery setup which gets this one rolling. While the nature of the disappearance while on patrol is fine enough, the ensuing locked-down nature of the investigation, the lack of answers from the police officers as well as the various suspects they interview, and the aftermath of their initial investigation hitting a dead-end create the kind of fun starting stages of a terrifying mystery. As it's only logical to see this and want to quit, the fun way it gets brought back into play with the leaked tapes and audio recordings pile the creepiness up nicely. This is all amplified by the uncovering of the police footage which is all quite fun and chilling. The first-person perspective of the footage, detailing another officer encountering the followers of the cult before meeting their end, and a secondary tape featuring her husband surviving an encounter with others in the Shaman sect is both gruesome and quite chilling. The series of revelations that arise here, following up the strange being from Native American folklore and the various stories that come about involving malicious witches hunting others which comes about through a generally fun encounter that sets up the full power of the being they're following. As well, the big finale here, providing their return to the asylum and encountering all manner of paranormal activity, makes this a genuinely creepy and unnerving part of the film. With some rather effective features here involving the time displacement, the trail of water bottles suddenly appearing, and the tape recorder all altering the reality of what's going on, the whole of the scene comes off as a series of quite chilling moments leading to the big confrontation with the witch's spirit still haunting the hospital and what transpires there. This is all quite likable and chilling which ends this on a creepy note and gives this a lot to like about it. There are some issues with this one. The main drawback with the film is the rather flimsy and contrived nature of the way she tries investigating the incident but comes up short. Seeing the failure first-hand without any leads, means of ensuring access to anyone, or even just getting their hands on classified material from the incident all make no sense and just drag the first half out instead of shortcutting through the events to get the point across. That, in turn, brings about the other factor here in the rushed finale that never really tells the story of the connection between the witch haunting the area and what's going on as it's all so rushed that little is made clear or explained. Still, these are all that hold this one down.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language and Violence.
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Not bad tough..
aryopermono5 March 2022
Has a lot of potential..

To be honest, I quite enjoy watching it, Eventough at some point seems flawed here and there..

If you like found footage and first person view genre, so why not give it a try..
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better then blair witch project but still
kaefab24 January 2022
Its still a cam film, i though we where done with those stupid useless movies but guess not.

Still the movie is a lot better then blair witch project but still the acting is pretty bad and the main lead is scary sort of gothic style.
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Don't waste your time.
stephenmbarrett15 March 2022
This is beyond stupid.

The lame attempts at subliminals is embarrassing. There are times when they screw up so back they bypass simple civilites like knocking on someone's door.
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Great opening, the rest is mixed.
jasonweiers13 October 2023
The opening of the film was pretty good...straight to the point and sufficiently creepy. I could have watched a full length movie of just that; no hour-long boring character introductions like most found footage, just straight to the point and go from there.

But of course that's not what happened as the film then switched to mockumentary style. Overall, I had mixed feelings about the movie.

Pros: Again, the opening was great. I was ready to give it 8 stars in that first 5 minutes.

It had its moments of suspense and creepiness, though fewer than I had hoped for.

Decent jump scares that kept them limited and did not over rely on them.

The idea of police body cam footage was fairly unique for the genre.

At 1 hour 15 minutes, it was a good length. It did not use a ton of boring unnecessary filler just to make it almost 2 hours like so many other found footage films do.

Cons: THE ACTING. While I concede that acting is never great in found footage movies, the acting here was a whole new level of bad. I wasn't expecting any Oscar performances, but even if the acting had been on par with other found footage films, I could honestly see myself giving this movie a solid 7, possible more. The acting was by far the biggest con.

The design of the "entity"/antagonist was a bit disappointing. However I actually contemplated putting this in the pros column because I like that they didn't show too much.

Overall a decent watch. I debated between 5 and 6 stars so I give it 5.5 stars.
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