Soft & Quiet (2022) Poster


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watching and squirming
ferguson-619 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
SXSW 2022 Greetings again from the darkness. If you prefer your movies light-hearted, good-natured, and relaxing to the spirit, then you need to avoid writer-director Beth de Araujo's first feature film at all costs. I'm not sure I've ever been more uncomfortable watching a movie than I was during this one. Whatever you do, don't assume that a story featuring a group of young women meeting in a church for snacks and socializing will be cute or funny. This is neither. In fact, I'm at a loss for the properly descriptive words.

It doesn't take long for us to realize these ladies aren't soccer moms here to discuss cupcake recipes or romance novels. When Kindergarten teacher Emily (Stefanie Estes) pulls the cover back from the homemade pie she baked, the swastika carved into the crust is clear as day. Their club, "Daughters for Aryan Unity", is actually a group of racist bigots filled with extreme hatred towards people of color. Their stated mission is 'multi-cultural warfare' and standing up for the place in society they have earned. One of Emily's phrases is "feminine, not feminist", and she explains why. This conversation continues until the Pastor overhears and kicks them out of his church.

Adding to the tension and contributing to the profuse feeling of disgust is the filmmaker's decision to avoid cuts and present real time in one continuous shot. We never get a breather from these despicable people. The big concern with bigotry is that unforgivable words can shift into dangerous actions, and that's what happens here. A store confrontation over a bottle of wine leads to a prank that goes horribly awry.

I'm not sure if the film is meant as a lead-in to serious dialogue on the topic, or whether it's a cautionary tale about the dangers of racism and bigotry. Perhaps it's a reminder that racism and evil behavior is not limited to southern rednecks in pickup trucks. Whatever purpose Ms. De Araujo had in mind, the film (even with a surprise ending) is certainly uncomfortable to watch.
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Indeed hard to watch but I liked it
MarioTee4 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, props for the entire crew to be filming it in one shot, I can only imagine the pressure they were under. This is, if I am not mistaken, only the second one (next to Birdman) I've watched.

That being said, the story is as scary as it is simple. A group of well... white women gathered together to be hateful. The things they say are only scary because we all know this kind of people, and their stupidity matches their hate.

I think that the cast did a very good job, they were believable. Some characters are less (can I even use that word?) likeable than others, some are just plain annoying. The story went in a direction I did not expect, and while the audience might appreciate the last 30 seconds or so, I did not, it was not really believable.

I would say that in a year of really good horror movies, this one might be one of the scariest. Really not for everyone.
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Oh Boy....
stacey_lee222 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It wasn't what I I didn't watch a trailer just the brief synopses. And Oh Boy...

....this was hard to watch. Made me uncomfortable, angry, pissed, sad and just plain disgusted. To think that so much hate is out there like this and for what?? It's disturbing to be warned. I was really hoping that the ladies would have turned on each other to help the other women survive..but that didn't occur. The anger towards each other didn't last. It just shows how easily people can be convinced to carry out a crime. It only took one extremely crazed woman and because the others had hate to to awaken their evil side.

But that ending though.... I was put ready for it to be over.

And speaking of the women, those actresses did a great job in these roles. They do deserve kudos ..because they were all very convincing.
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Church of the Poisoned Mind...
Xstal5 November 2022
A group of ladies is convened, they all have a common theme, disgruntled you could say, pure vitriol they spray, feel as if they've been let down, these diverse days make them frown, they don't have a lot to ask, from behind their hateful mask, so they're going to drop an anchor, that will make you grate with rancour, leave you stunned and disbelieving, as your eyebrows hit the ceiling, you may know people like this, living life in an abyss, a soft and quiet outer shell, but inside under a spell.

You probably haven't seen anything like this, top marks for individuality and the ability to get you shouting at the screen as you witness what you hope is full fat fiction but you know there are those who harbour these convictions.
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Good job with the single take approach, but...
bnitcamela4 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This just wasn't a believable story. Minor spoilers ahead.

This one started off on a pretty creepy and interesting premise. Several white women in some random upper Pacific northwest town get together to discuss their ideas about racial animosity and ethnostates. Since I hadn't really read any reviews past the headline (or spoilers) I was very curious where this might lead given the universally high scores from critics.

Without giving away too much, the problems for me started once they ended up at the local grocery/convenience store and confronted two Asian women; one of whom was a victim of rape committed by the lead character's brother who we are told is in prison. The store scene is when we find out why. At this point in the movie, the women (and one husband) begin to make very stupid decisions that were totally unbelievable for real world characters of their age. Needless to say, it continues to spiral downward and out of control for them as the decision making gets even more incredibly stupid and lacking any logic or realism.

Then there's the relationships/dialog. The way the lead's husband was portrayed could not possibly represent a real life archetype - as both seemingly tough and down to earth but also susceptible to the absolutely ridiculous and unfounded, immature and laughable insults his wife begins to lay on him in a sort of cuck-guilt trip. And of course it all works. He goes along with a totally hare brained scheme for a "prank" and the director expects us to believe he's playing a believable character because he comes up with one decent, non-dumb (if you're part of a budding criminal enterprise) idea. Nonsense, LOL. Any halfway sane man would have laughed at this woman and said c'ya. But of course the director also did a good job of laying the groundwork by choosing the most attractive actress she could and building up to this moment in which we're supposed to believe that the poor dope, who was clearly out of her league, would go along with anything just to keep his (infertile?) wife around, no matter now frickin' ridiculous.

Once again, things devolve even further into a messy and utterly incomprehensible situation whereby a "prank" carried out by several middle aged and Gen X/Z women goes horribly wrong.

I think I know what the writer/director was going for here, but it failed. The hope was to create a scenario that started off seeming so real but ended up becoming so far fetched that it would resonate with critical audiences in the same way as "Nuevo Orden" (New Order) did. The problem here was that they took it too far. No reasonable person in that situation, no matter how bigoted or uneducated, would ever do anything remotely that mind blowingly stupid. There would have been too many "wait, should we really do this-es" along the way for it not to end up just a conversation among some overly racist women over some wine.

This film could have been done a lot better. Critics are obviously (over) praising it for the technical acumen that the production crew put forward and the all-too-contemporaneous messaging about how some casual racism can end up having real bad consequences if not held in check and shared with the wrong people. At the end of the day, none of it was believable, and I'm a viewer who likes being shocked and made to think about things. As examples I hold most of Michael Haneke's films in very high regard as well as the previously mentioned "New Order" or "Irreversible" or even "Deliverance." In this company, "Soft & Quiet" falls flat. I was checking my phone messages starting about half way through and didn't get emotionally involved at any point in the film.

6/10 - Good first effort marred by some ridiculous and, at the present time, all too typical (reverse) virtue signaling. If you want to make a movie about racism and bigotry that really hits home, try making it all more believable.
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When ethnic entitlement is led by it's ugliness...
leehoe4426 December 2022
Soft & Quiet this movie is not!

6 seemingly regular woman meet up at a church to talk about the going ons of life..the film plays in "real time" so as to make you a voyeur in the room and to their actions they speak first your eyebrow is raised..then as the women move on to have wine at another location your jaw drops and by the end of this film your face will be this drama/ horror/ thriller isn't supernatural nor bloody and does not involve a masked crazed killer..and yet this female driven movie is quite disturbing and will have your eyes riveted to the screen and quite frankly, has moments that make it difficult to watch...
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Tedious message movie with nothing new to say--read first paragraph before renting, skip the rest if you don't want it spoiled
wytsharkmedia24 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not a horror movie, and lacking in any semblance of entertainment value. This movie is like being trapped in a junior high auditorium being lectured on the evils of racism...with a bunch of tired cinema-verite tropes and manufactured outrage that feels about as genuine as the canned laughter on an 80s TV sitcom.


Labeling this a horror movie is about as deep a stretch on the genre as I've ever seen. This is not Martyrs or Speak No Evil--which is the kind of breathless, 'I can't believe I sat through this' buzz this film is getting. I was bored and irritated. Once the central theme is revealed, it's basically racist idiots being racist. Period. You get to watch obnoxious, unlikeable, characters do horrible, stupid things for 90 minutes without any empathy or insight to engage you other than being dutifully outraged.

Big surprise: the world has racists in it. And they might be your kid's teacher, or the woman running the neighborhood store. Which would be interesting if the film explored the intricacies of racism and how its tendrils spread, and the economic and cultural elements that allow it to take root and grow. But instead, we get a 'shooting-fish-in-a-barrel' diatribe wrapped up in a one-take gimmick that just feels like smoke and mirrors to distract from how thin the story is.

The central characters are so odious from the start--even before it's revealed that they are Nazis--I'm left with no emotional stake in the proceedings. Everything that follows just feels like the filmmakers patting themselves on the back for how 'daring' they are, instead of trying to navigate an emotional thread that will resonate and create real dialogue.

If only there was a movie that lured you in emotionally, with a charismatic central character who earned your empathy, who then traversed a tragic arc spurned by their racist underpinnings, only to come out the other side with true perspective and regret. Imagine how haunting, shocking and satisfying that would be. Oh, wait--they made that movie. It's called American History X. Watch that instead and skip this one altogether.
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I didn't see it coming
jtindahouse8 December 2022
Wow. This is one of those genuine cases of the less you know going in, the harder the film is going to hit. Everything seems normal until along comes - a shot of a pie. And nothing is the same from there out. This was a tough watch but also a really enjoyable one.

The whole film is shot as a continuous tracking shot, similar to Sam Mendes' '1917'. I understand that the films aren't actually shot this way but it doesn't bother me. I love the raw nature it provides the film.

I find this kind of movie infinitely more scary than any ghost or monster movie. These are the real horrors of the world. These are the things you need to be genuinely scared of.

This one is heavy, tense and often a very uneasy watch. But it is a great case of getting every last drop out of a limited budget and producing a highly memorable movie that will stick with people long after the credits roll. 9/10.
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Hard to sit through, well-made, but not bold enough
Groverdox1 January 2023
It's hard to review a movie like "Soft & Quiet" (and what a misnomer that title is). It's well made, well acted, involving, has some effective moments... but it is not in the least enjoyable. It's not a pleasant experience to sit through it. If we're rating it for its effectiveness at what it sets out to do, it gets high marks. If we're rating the experience of watching it for most people, who want to be entertained at the movies, we feel like we have to warn them. Most people will hate it and feel like they wasted their time sitting through it.

I know that there is an audience for challenging material like this. I know because I'm part of said audience. For people like us, I give the movie a seven for being well-made, moderately involving, and effective, even though the most effective moment is horrible to watch.

I don't score it higher than seven because I don't think I'll be thinking about the movie for much longer. It feels more like an effectively nasty little shocker than a strong statement about the world, despite allegedly being inspired by media coverage of race-related crime.
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How much should you know ahead of time?
jfgibson7313 November 2022
From a story perspective, this movie has a lot of surprises that you don't want to ruin by reading about it before watching. On the other hand, you should probably have some idea of what you're getting into, especially if you need to avoid certain triggers. This movie gets pretty messed up, and it is filmed in a way that is meant to immerse you in the situation as much as possible: it appears to unfold in a single, unbroken take (said to actually be four takes, which is still impressive) with a you-are-there positioning of the camera. It gets a little shaky at times, but it's not found footage--it's more like the camera feels what the characters feel, such as the motion of a car. One thing I will mention is that I turned this movie on when I was almost ready to fall asleep, but once it started, I didn't look away. It can be tricky sometimes trying to decide to see a movie that has been labeled "disturbing." Sometimes it may end up not bothering you too much, other times you end up with images you never wanted in your head. You'll have to follow your own instincts, I guess. For me, Soft and Quiet had some tough stuff in it, but it ended up being a unique experience that was worth the risk.
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I liked it
Dar Star2 September 2023
Yes. This is the type of movie a person can reasonably like or hate and not be wrong necessarily. I actually liked it because I'm a huge fan of "real time" filmmaking. I can just appreciate the attention to detail by everyone involved to pull that off. Now the plot was kinda ridiculous but not completely. The women probably represent a lot of viewpoints that exist in America like it or not. The actresses all were quite good esp the lead. I was engaged in the story the whole time as I tried to see where the stupid and misguided actions of the women would lead to their eventual downfall. In my opinion this film is worth watching for the right audience.
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Contrived and Unbelievable Characters Warning: Spoilers
The female leads, portrayed as out-of-the-closet bigots turned loose, were too ridiculously unbelievable to really hate, which weakened the motivation to care about their inevitable demise. The lead bully's discovery of a failed pregnancy...was that supposed to be her justification for starting a chapter of Nazis? Also weak was the stupid woman from Nebraska who for some reason spoke with a Southern accent(?), a mixed stereotype that ironically revealed the writer's own weird prejudices.

Admittedly, the means of their demise was uniquely done, it but didn't make up for the fact that even caricatures of bigots aren't this silly.
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Unsavory in the End and Disturbing Throughout
kianadouglas-5363617 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie epitomizes the concept: stupid people shouldn't commit crimes. It further reminds us that we should all be aware of accomplice liability. Once the crime starts, you are all going down for felony murder if any of you commit the felonious crime or the murder. Be careful who you associate with even if they seem like-minded. There are levels of crazy even in this all-female white supremacist society.

The acting is good. The concept is interesting. The swastika pie enticed this Jew. I appreciated the way the dialogue conveyed character without being too heavy handed. However, I found it very distracting which slurs each character chose to use and which slurs they chose not to use. It seems like maybe some of the actors weren't cool with being recorded saying slur X, but were fine with being recorded saying slur Y. If we're going whole carrot, we might as well go whole hog. I'm grateful for the camera angles, which were some respite from what I knew was going on. I guess the premise is that the minority makes it through no matter what the bad people put her through, but who wants to unpack that as the person who lived it? Much like the Human Centipede, this is a movie I wish I had not seen. However, for that in and of itself, it is a movie I am almost impressed by. My cousin abandoned her pizza after walking in on it. It is worth the view if you want to have second-hand memories of some messed up situations.
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Lost Potential: A Dive into Predictability and Propaganda
47dj383kz922 February 2024
The initial fifteen minutes of the film managed to capture my interest, presenting a premise that seemed promising. However, as the movie progressed, it quickly lost any sense of tension and fell into a predictable pattern that felt more like propaganda than genuine storytelling. What kept it somewhat engaging was the novelty factor, though this was short-lived as it soon became clear that the film struggled with relatability. Interestingly, the narrative seemed to lean heavily on a male character as the sole voice of reason, which felt rather one-dimensional. The performances came across as hurried, lacking depth and nuance, and the script itself left much to be desired, riddled with clichés and lacking in substance. It was evident that the film aimed to convey a specific message, but the approach felt heavy-handed, undermining any potential for a nuanced or impactful discussion. In summary, while the film started with a spark of intrigue, it quickly devolved into a disappointing endeavor that failed to deliver a compelling or thought-provoking experience.
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Mixed Feelings
nthervil7 August 2023
Well acted, beautifully shot and interesting overall. Some found the characters unrealistic but I've watched enough criminal documentaries to know people exist as those characters presented themselves.

It's hard to watch at times and I stared at the screen as if I had a front row seat to a deadly car accident. We're meant to hate these people from start to finish and boy do I.

It's not complicated in the least. This is simply a story of how hate can become bigger than someone's humanity and if vile enough, can find justification to be the absolute worst version of oneself.

Whether the messaging bothers you or not, it's an artful presentation an ugly part of America that is growing in numbers. That's terrifying.
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Uncomfortably Brilliant
silent-skies17 May 2024
When I sat down to watch this film, I had no idea what to expect. The brief synopsis mentioned themes of racism, but it still didn't give much away.

The pacing was brilliant-never a dull moment. The film fully engaged me from start to finish. The shock value was masterfully executed.

The filming style, with its deliberate long pauses, added to the tension and drama. The entire cast delivered outstanding performances. I was so captivated that I ended up watching it twice just to absorb every detail.

It reminds us that racism isn't always loud and overt, sometimes it's soft-spoken and insidious.

Just remember, this film isn't for the faint of heart, so be warned.
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meh...not really impressed
Taygrey23 January 2023
Honestly, I saw a video where someone said this was a hard movie to get through because it was scary. Parts were thrilling, but for the majority of the movie it was, well, boring. And I'm talking like 60 percent of the movie was the group of women talking. Just really wasn't impressed by it. I almost didn't bother finishing it. Took about an hour in to get somewhat entertaining. I'm not quite sure how this movie is classified as a horror movie? And I'm honestly shocked it got such good reviews. Wouldn't watch again.

Also Id like to add the story is not really believable. It jumps around too much with the characters. One second one character seems totally against what's being said or done, then they flip the script so drastically. But that was honestly not the biggest thing wrong with this movie. Just a let down.
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When the bomb drops,it hits hard
korkysyard12 August 2023
Very rare a movie hits me with such a kick in the nads but this bad girl succeeded. Made in real time which again is something of a rarity,and as gritty as they come.

It's hard to watch in parts but like a train crash you just can't stop staring in disbelief.

One poinient moment is the kick in the nads I referred to earlier and you'll be sat there in a crazy WTF moment. Your either in or out after that. I was just so intruiged and mildly speechless I had to stick with it.

Your then on one crazy assed ride of savage brutal mayhem that just doesn't let go.

Well acted and very well made,I really do suggest you give it a go. I'm glad I did.
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what's the opposite of "safe space?"
A_Different_Drummer3 November 2022
Not for snowflakes, easily triggered college kids or adults who are now addicted to the pre-digested, pre-censored, groupthink that dominates most of today's social media. This is, to borrow the title of a classic Monty Python film, something completely different. So different that, in the opinion of this reviewer, it would never have been greenlighted as a series. Or a mainstream feature. Only the strange and largely undefined world of indie cinema could have produced something as unexpected as SOFT & QUIET. Off the top, newcomer writer/director Beth de Araújo deserves praise for demonstrating how effective "single shot" filming can be to enhance exposition in a story which leans more towards a stage play than an action or horror film. At least initially. For the first hour anyway. If you check the External Reviews, you will see that even experienced reviewers had trouble finding words to describe this odd counter-culture, counter-genre, brutal deconstruction of Political Correctness in all its terrible glory. Not your typical horror film. Not your typical anything. ((Designated "IMDb Top Reviewer." Please check out my list "167+ Nearly-Perfect Movies (with the occasional Anime or TV miniseries) you can/should see again and again (1932 to the present))
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Don't bother.
katyrowland5 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really struggled to finish this film.

Not due to the violent content, but due to sheer boredom! It's very monotone, lots of talking and little action.

I don't get the hype, it just doesn't go anywhere.

I don't develop any feelings towards any of the characters (even the victims).

It's certainly not horror or even thriller. I would struggle to put this into any genre to be honest.

Emily is a school teacher, who we find out has a hidden agenda. It escalates from there, with her dragging other women into her mindset of hatred towards anyone who isn't white American.

It all comes to a head when they break into the house of some Asian sisters and terrorize them, leading to tragedy.

I would save yourself as hour and a half of mind numbing boredom and skip this one.
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I wasn't ready for it!
SoumikBanerjee19966 November 2022
That's how extremists are bred, that is exactly how the notions of extremism manifest.

There are only a handful of films that make me feel nauseated and uncomfortable. I have seen tons of vile stuff in my life; but there were only a couple of instances where I flinched, where my conscience got in the way and told me to ease off and breathe.

Soft & Quiet, as it seems made its way into that list

Everything about this film had me fuming & infuriated, in a good way though! I mean all those arguments that blatantly talked about racial supremacies and ethnic segregation; they were all supposed to make the audience feel enraged and enflamed with anger and rage and now looking at the aftereffect, I must say, they did serve their purpose just fine.

I was feeling so suffocated, I was furious the whole time; the characters were meant to be detested and the actors playing those parts made sure that was indeed the case. Some terrific acting there, cause I wanted all of them to die terrible deaths. It pains me to even think that people like them exist in our society, what a shame!
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Pretty great but really stupid.
iamkrause18 July 2023
I think the only people who are scared by ghost stories are people who believe ghosts exist. It's hard to take them seriously if you don't believe. The bad "guys" in this movie are such over-the-top caricatures of cliched leftist fears, it's impossible to take them seriously. The OK hand symbol? Really? Everything they did was completely stupid and totally unbelievable. This movie has never happened anywhere in the real world. But some people believe...

That being said, the execution was actually pretty great. The whole film is a single camera one-shot take. It makes it feel like the viewer is right there with the characters. I was engaged the entire time and really thought it was a fun and nasty little movie. If you can get over the one-dimensional agenda villains, and you like home invasion movies, I'll think you'll dig this.
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Vancouver7719 January 2023
Well, the acting is well done. But I am not sure what the point of this movie was. It made my skin crawl. Who wants to watch the absolute worst of humanity engage in depraved acts? Who wants to be entertained by the expression of base, indefensible thoughts? I was hoping this movie was a thriller, or perhaps suspense but it is none of those things. Nor is it a "cautionary tale" or something that leaves you with some kind of valuable take-away or message. Perhaps it intended to be "thought provoking"? If you consider certain behaviour abhorrent, you don't give it air-time, you don't give it "space" in our society & you certainly don't make entertainment out of it. I am not sure how this movie got funding, why the actors would want to participate, or why anyone would want to watch it. I had to fast forward through it to make it to the banal ending. I am not sure how it presently has its high rating because there is little to redeem this movie. I gave it 3 because the acting was decent. I hope the director and screenwriter find a way to merit their existence on earth going forward, because this movie is a complete waste.
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Soft and Quiet came out punching hard and I liked it.
rcr-375106 November 2022
I watched this knowing very little about it and was knocked straight on my backside. Just in the first 40 minutes, I haven't heard so many red pills dropped in ANY form of modern media since American History X.

Was... was this supposed to be a parody or satire? If it was, then ironically they wound up presenting the unfiltered truth. Every single thing was true. I'm *hoping* that was perhaps the point, covertly disguised as satire, in order to make it more digestible for the zombie general public. Whatever their intentions, I liked it.

That alone deserves a higher score, but let's talk about the rest of the movie. The beginning already won me over so of course I continued watching with much anticipation.

The remainder was good, but not without problems. The acting was well done. Very natural, and therein lies the catch because they act exactly as you'd expect women to behave.

Basically the film boiled down to 1½ hours of four women loudly, hysterically clucking like chickens. And the way it was shot was strange. Kind of like they shot it with a moving HD camcorder. The result was too chaotic for comfort. Too disorderly.

Have you ever watched a jerky recorded video of somebody's birthday party on your 70-year-old mother's cell phone with the volume blaring at max? You'll get a similar sensation watching this movie. Maybe this was a conscious artistic choice. I don't know, but it was not pleasant on the senses.

There are several other plot issues that require you to look past but the ending was surprising. It's worth seeing at least once.

Due to the ending I find myself wanting a sequel somewhere down the line to see how these girls clean up this mess. The cliffhanger is almost too good not to continue the story. I need to know what happens.

I'm gonna give seven stars out of 10 for this based film. I was impressed with the start but have to make some deductions for the other stuff. It's watchable and enjoyable but not perfect.
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Soft & Quiet
FKDZ6 October 2023
Soft & Quiet is a provocative and intense film, supported by great acting it provides a gut punch look into minds of twisted and warped mentalities, and it's radicalization. Whilst it flies under the banner of being a horror, it's not in a traditional sense anything like you'd expect from a horror. It's a deeply dramatic movie, with horrific elements based on opinions and actions, not gore or creepy stuff.

Directing, I have to say, it worked for me. I really loved the realism it granted and how grounded it made the movie feel. From driving to walking. You get the feeling you're there, it succeeds at that for sure. To add on to this, the framing of the shots, especially some specific ones where dialog is the main focus, the camera is put in a observing position, not caring about putting the subject in frame, but the dialog. This sometimes made it feel like you were eavesdropping, or just being that ''floating consciousness''. It definitely engaged me. That being said, not perfect. If you're sensitive to shaky camera's and or motion blur, this has a lot of it and some shots felt a bit hard to get through just visually.

Acting/writing was great. Though the characters do feel somewhat unreliable regarding their decisions, which is a shame. That might've sold it fully. But the acting was fantastic, especially Luccardi was amazing, her transformation. The writing was well done too in regards to keeping you on your toes a bit. The overall story is blunt and harsh, and gets the point across no doubt. If anything I wished for a slightly deeper layer within the characters and writing.

Besides that, good movie, uncomfortable, as it should be, but good.
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