Extraterrestrial (2014) Poster

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Better than expected
s327616921 March 2015
I have to confess I came to this film with jaded expectations. I have seen so many alien abduction films that have been utter rubbish I have become rather cynical.

I was then pleasantly, if not, overwhelmingly surprised by Extraterrestrials. Lets start by saying this film is by no means exceptional in any way but what it does, it does well enough to be genuinely entertaining.

The plot is standard fare, aliens encounter young adults in woods, with the usual results. There are some creepy alien scares, combined with enough action to keep you entertained plus a sad love story ending. The special effects are not spectacular but they are certainly not bad either.

The acting is competent too and includes a few well known faces, such as veteran actor Michael Ironside.

Six out of ten from me.
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Highly Entertaining With Some Good BIts
coleman601-504-84486426 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This film could have been great, but overall it's only very entertaining. This movie is not one to be taken that seriously. if you see the trailer to the end and get the hint of an actual "anal probe" scene you understand what you're in for.

This movie follows a bunch of college kids, you'll forget their names because they're honestly not that important. They go out to do what every group of young adults do in horror movies: stay in a cabin and party but suddenly horror happens and blah blah you know this one by heart. However while watching you get the impression that the filmmakers knew that so they just ran with it. The movie doesn't take itself too seriously and there are a few deliberate gags here and there. Michael Ironside for instance is mostly played for laughs and it's clear some other bit parts are hamming it up a lot. This doesn't make for quality film making but it's entertaining.

Despite this though, there are parts of the movie which are genuinely good. A B plot of the film involves a small town sheriff investigating instances of Alien sightings and these parts are actually quite compelling. The actor playing the Sheriff does a good job and these are the only times the film ever invokes a sense of mystery and suspense. Perhaps if they had thought about it longer, they may have realized that this plot would have been an actual good movie.

That being said the Sheriff scenes have their effect only to a certain point. About halfway through the film the wise, "less is more" mentality pretty much flies out the window. Remember how in some X-Files episodes whenever aliens appeared they were always in shadow, never seeing their eyes and with constant bright lights behind them. Or in Signs where you only caught glimpses of them and then when they did show themselves they were kept in a wide shot, keeping an aura of mystery and terror. Well in this movie they didn't care about that because there are aliens all over the damn place. After a while the jump scare of having one appear loses its effect if it ever had one to begin with.

All that being said, this is a movie to sit down with friends, share some drinks and just be entertained which I think was the filmmakers' intention - hopefully.
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Aliens obsessed with our behinds
Shadowking100113 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It contains somewhat better special effects and acting than your typical SyFy fare. However, the story is kinda lame but it has a mild twist at the end. My low rating is because they are trying to be a serious movie, and dramatically fail. So, humans apparently came to an agreement with this far superior alien species, that the aliens will allow the human race to continue surviving if we allow them to randomly abduct and experiment on humans. But even after experimenting on thousands of humans for over 70 years, these aliens are still inexplicably obsessed with sticking probes up our behinds. If there really is an alien species out there, I am certain they would be offended of what we think of them!
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Really bad.
lukeh2318 October 2014
I went into this open minded and willing it to be a good movie. I heard it was a horror / science fiction film, and that the first 30 minutes are worth enduring. I expected it might not get off to a good start and would then find its groove.

It stayed awful.

The main characters are so clichéd and stereotypical, its actually nauseating. A group of guy / girl, good looking party kids head to a cabin in the woods (I know right?) to meet their all to obvious ending. You don't feel anything for these characters, they lack any depth. After ten minutes I looked forward to the aliens killing them off. Unfortunately the abductors took far to long to put the viewer and the said cast out of their misery. Its a cheap Hollywood process to typecast like this. It would have been so much more interesting if it had been a family, or a group of bird watchers, anything different. Why do they always have to go for the Hollywood molded pretty kids?

It does not get any better after that. I don't want to give out any spoilers, but the only glimmer of redemption is the last 30 minutes.

Unless you really have nothing else to do and your watching on DVR, I recommend you skip until the end and just watch the last 30 minutes. You might be led to believe it may have been a decent film up until that point, but trust me, its far from what you might expect.
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Cloe Encounters Of The Dawson's Creek Kind
cheekysausage25 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Written and directed by 'The Vicious Brothers' (seriously?), 'Extraterrestial' is about as inspired and original as its title. Despite some decent moments and one genuinely shocking curve ball, the film, on the whole, was pretty poor.

The good stuff, i.e., the tense, creepy stuff the audience wants to see, is padded out with a cheesy romantic subplot boasting some of the worst dialogue I've heard. In fact, the dialogue, throughout was uniformly poor.

The performances from its largely unknown cast ranged from awful to mediocre. One character in particular, Seth, ends every other sentence with the word 'muthafucker' and delivers his lines at a similar decibel level to a jumbo jet taking off. The instant he appears in the film, you find yourself longing for the moment he'll be killed off.

The romantic subplot, as I've mentioned above, belonged in an episode of some angst-ridden teen drama. It's been thrown into the mix in an attempt to try and make us care about these people but is done so badly that you find yourself laughing at them when you're meant to be rooting for them.

The ending is particularly awful. Our couple, having been abducted, is released by their alien captors when they are discovered in each others arms, resigned to their fate. They wake up in a field and set off to look for help only to be gunned down by the US military who are tying up any loose ends as they attempt to cover up the UFO crash that took place in the area. As our lovers lie dying, the girl reaches into her pocket for the unwanted engagement ring her boyfriend presented her with earlier in the film. She places it in his hand so that he, with his dying breath, can slip it onto her finger. As he does they are finished off with a bullet to the head and thrown into a pit. They just happen to land in a spooning position, with the boyfriend's arm draped lovingly across the girl's body. Thankfully, a couple of grunts with flamethrowers torch them before they can rise from the grave singing 'My Heart Will Go On'.
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Horror or comedy?
agentgates22 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
As James Cameron said "If you make a comedy it should be funny, if you make a horror that should be scary". Well this movie tried to be a horror but has become a comedy...

Poorly written story and dialogues. Poor direction and acting. Actors reactions were highly unrealistic to their experiences.

Sound effects were okay but overrated at some point. Visual effects were fine.

The creators clearly did not research the related subjects of the so called "UFO abductions" or "conspiracy theories" (the typical error with the ridicule-motivated movies in the genre).
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Absolutely illogical!
the_wolf_imdb26 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Most of the movie would be, well, okay. Nor bright, not particularly scary, but acceptable. And there is the ending. The very strange ending that is probably supposed to point to the X-Files or something. Unfortunately it instantly ruins all the "okayness" of the movie as a piece of turd would ruin an "okay" food.

Aliens seem to be bastards here. Okay. So why they decided to return for the crazy girl? To clean up the mess? What they are doing with abducted people? Do they build ships from their bodies? What is the mess with the anal probe? Whey the lovers were returned to the Earth? Why they were instantly shot by the military? They have returned from the space, shouldn't they be questioned first? If the military has an agreement with the aliens, why the military keeps the alien body? It is just amazing how you can waste quite a good movie by adding a five minutes of utter nonsense at the end. The ending might be epic but, well, it would require folks who can see beyond X-Files and cheap teen slashers. But the idea to illogically add "the smoking man" was probably too cute you know.

What a waste. What a waste. Watch rather "Alien Abduction" instead. It has way better ending.
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UFO enthusiasts will like it . . . others - not so much.
fexibepass27 April 2017
I scored the film quite highly because I genuinely enjoyed about 80% of, but I went into it knowing it wasn't exactly going to be a groundbreaker.

Without wanting to give too much away, it incorporates a lot of UFO mythology and people who are into that kind of thing will probably enjoy it, as I did. The special effects are very well done, for a film without a huge budget and the UFO's are genuinely ominous and 'other - worldly'.

The plot isn't too bad really, it ends in an interesting way that you probably won't expect and there are some scenes in the last 20 minutes that are actually quite spectacular.

It's bad points though - the actors are a bit annoying and not very endearing. The main couple are quite nice and their story plays out well, but everybody else in it seems to just be there to add filler to the plot. One of the guys in it is actually very annoying, from start to unfortunate end.

It's all a bit loud and flashy and over the top in parts as well. The musical score is definitely not up to a very high standard in my opinion.

I think it deserves a little more respect than some reviewers have given it - but not much. ;-)
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Must be the money
theendisopened16 November 2014
The problem with this film, like so many other straight to digital release movies, is the budget. Reading the synopsis, one couldn't possibly expect to see a groundbreaking film. I mean, it's the hundred millionth alien film released in the past couple decades. Yet the writers, for some reason, thought they were up to the challenge. It is apparent that the filmmakers were relying on their ability to take a genre that has been done to death and make it their own, utilizing vivid, amped up action sequences to showcase their aliens. The problem is that there was obviously no money for that. In the age of the billion dollar Hollywood blockbuster, any sci-fi film that relies solely on visuals and action sequences must have the necessary dollars to make it look good. There were so many moments that were desperately trying to send a chill down the spine of the viewer, but fell short solely because of it's inability to look like more than a SyFy network movie.

But something tells me these guys, like most Hollywood filmmakers, simply did not care. The goal is always the same. Get the money, get it done, get it out. Forget the rest. If you're looking to continue the cycle of junk film, made with speedy preparation, while lacking any and all quality, then perhaps this movie is for you. Bon Appetit.
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Really fun late 80's adventure horror - just three decades too late.
The_Dead_See15 May 2015
As I look through the IMDb scores for Extraterrestrial, I have a theory that the lower ones are coming from children of the 90's and aughts - those who have grown up to expect a particular bleak atmosphere from alien abduction movies such as that set by efforts like 'Dark Skies' or 'The Fourth Kind'.

I suspect the reviews giving it the higher scores are from kids who grew up in (or are just fans of) the older school 'adventure' horrors that became popular in the late 80's. Movies like The Lost Boys, Waxwork, Evil Dead 2, Night of the Creeps, Return of the Living Dead 2, Creepozoids, The Blob remake etc. - you know the ilk, movies whose subject matters varied wildly yet they always had the same sort of vibe - a fast-paced, popcorn-entertainment 'adventure' feeling.

That, I feel, is what the Vicious Brothers were purposefully going for in Extraterrestrial. Although they mixed in a generous dollop of the 90's cabin in the woods type characters and the 2000's abduction movie clichés, it's the late 80's vibe that rings clear throughout. If Extraterrestrial had been made 25-30 years ago, it would likely have starred the Two Corey's, or perhaps Zach Galligan and Brinke Stephens. The cop would have been Tom Atkins or Lance Henriksen; and the crazy Michael Ironside character would have been Dick Miller... or perhaps Michael Ironside, come to think of it.

Bottom line is, Extraterrestrial clearly has a primary intent of being fun rather than scary. There's a few creepy moments - most memorably the skeletal body of a dead alien vanishing into the murky waters of a swimming pool - and a few more serious turns towards the end, but overall, it's more of an adventure/survival flick than a psychological/terror flick. If we still had drive-ins, it would be playing in them right now to crowds of frisky teens instead of on Netflix.

Check your expectations before you turn it on. You're not going to get scared, or grossed out, or made to think too hard, or put on the edge of your seat with tension... but if willing, you are going to have a lot of fun. 7/10.
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stuck in B-movie
SnoopyStyle2 June 2017
Sheriff Murphy (Gil Bellows) of Echo Lake investigates the mysterious disappearance of Nancy McPherson from a seeming alien abduction as well as other strange occurrences. April (Brittany Allen) photographs the family cabin for her mother which is being sold. Her boyfriend Kyle (Freddie Stroma) joins her along with annoying friend Seth (Jesse Moss), Melanie (Melanie Papalia), and Lex (Anja Savcic). Melanie and April stumble upon their neighbor Travis (Michael Ironside)'s marijuana grow operation. Travis is a vet conspiracy nut. An alien spacecraft crashes in the woods.

This movie seems stuck in B-movie territory. It's definitely set up as such and never gets beyond that. The young actors are not that charismatic. Bellows and Ironside are the two named actors but they are mostly support. Ironside goes a little wacky but nothing is actually funny. The script is lacking. There are some functional special effects which border on respectable. However, there is something missing from the directions and camera work. This is not scary nor particularly thrilling. None of it is that good but it's not the worst thing in the world.
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Am i the only person who really enjoyed this?
Yeah, there are some plot holes, and some bad acting. BUT apart from that, the overall performance was amazing! Very intense and contains a lot of breath taking and jaw dropping moments. I loved this movie because it was a great sci-fi movie with amazing special effects which incorporated everything that one would expect when you think about 'little green men'. Another reason i liked it was because it ended greatly. (NOT SPOILING) but the ending to this film is very different to other films. It did not leave you saying "what the heck". This movie did have some pointless moments that didn't really need to be included, but when you think about it, without them.. The movie would be a waste of time. I will definitely be buying this movie on DVD, or better yet on Bluray! It is definitely an original film that you can watch over and over! Recommend this to almost everyone!
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Got to see the end to love it.
skin66617 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
As I got to 30 minutes into it, I thought I'll hate this movie. The beginning and the middle are cliché but the ending is a surprising twist even though a lot of the stuff is "borrowed". If you are a fan of sci-fi you will recognize certain ideas and scenes from older hit movies-series, but I guess it was all intentional with a goal to bring these to younger audiences. About the ending, I must say I didn't see that coming and at first it made me angry but then I recognized a character at the end and it all got clear. It had the perfect ending that made this movie unique. As I look back I realize the movie makers actually had the intention of mixing up a classic teenage horror with the classic sci-fi - conspiracy theory genre. I do recommend this film if you are into the genres I mentioned earlier.
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Comy and cliche.
JobsBronson10 April 2021
The script must have been written by someone with a mental age of 12 years. The characters are very cliches types: adults who have never come out of adolescence, marijuana, drink, fornication. That's too corny! The dialogues are silly. It is one of those films that the protagonists are so boring and sick that you cheer for the antagonists, who seem to be more "good people". So terribly boring and uninteresting that I had to speed up the play for 2.0x speed to support watch until the end.
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Really bad movie (spoilers!)
Mccadoo28 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The biggest problem with this movie is that they didn't kill the two leads at the beginning of the movie instead of the end. It would have saved me, and all other viewers from a lot of bad acting and worse plot twists...
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Could have been quite good (well... okayish)
bowmanblue27 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched a lot of straight-to-DVD horror movies recently – many of which I haven't even managed to sit through all the way to the end. Don't get me wrong... 'Extraterrestrial' is nothing special, but I actually managed to watch it until the end credits. And it all started so well! A young couple are at home together and they're actually quite fun. They have good chemistry and the dialogue is pretty snappy between them. I was impressed and actually felt like they were the sort of 'real' couple I could root for in whatever horrors were to come.

Then their friends arrived. I hated them instantly. From the first time you hear their (male) friend's voice, via an intercom, you know he's an idiot. He's an idiot because he says idiotic things (all the time) and swears while he does it. And that's just while things are going well. When things go a little pear-shaped, he's even worse.

Then the group of friends go to a cabin in the woods. It was about now my 'cliche-alert' radar was bleeping. What had good characters was fast descending into your typical horror/slasher B-movie. However, the presence of Michael Ironside went some way to redeem it. In short – he was cool.

It's probably not a 'spoiler' to say that the kids fall foul of aliens (unless you don't quite understand what the title means!) and it all sort of falls apart. They're hunted by creatures who have basically mastered the power of space travel and can snatch an entire phone booth off planet Earth in the blink of an eye. Yet, on several occasions, these monsters from the stars are thwarted by a locked wooden door.

In short, it was okay. It had a nice 'Matrix-esque' element to it at one stage, which was pretty cool. Perhaps the major problem was that I grew up through the height of the X-files and I've seen everything to do with aliens done before (and better!). I supposed if you haven't seen the classic sci-fi TV show, it may all be a little more original, but for me it was retreading old ground.

It filled an hour and a half perfectly well enough. I just won't watch it again. I have all nine series of the X-files and both films on DVD. I don't need to see 'Extraterrestrial' again.
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Run of the mill Horror movie.
subxerogravity18 May 2015
At least it was not another bad found footage genre film which it looked like it was about to become.

April is a girl assigned by her mom to take some pictures of their cabin lake property for real estate purposes and ends up leading her and her friends into an alien invasion.

The CGI aliens were kinda scary, but they leave noting to the imagination. Nothing unique at all about this movie as a matter of fact. The hot young teens could not be more stereotyped and formulated. It was easy to guess what was coming next.

Although, replacing the slashing moments with alien abductions was a step in the right direction, but does not make the movie.

If you catch it catch, but not worth going out of the way to see it.
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Dude? That's a dead alien!
LiamBlackburn18 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This teeters on the edge of being a comedic IKWYDLS slasher/horror movie (with aliens in it) as opposed to a full-fledged UFO shocker. It has that commercialized "I Know What You Did Last Summer" vibe and (intentionally?) comes across as totally over-the-top and cliché. It kicks off in that overplayed fashion, with the auto-tuned emo rock band playing in the SUV, as the college students go on a weekend getaway to their rich parents' cottage. You begin to expect absolutely no character depth and no intelligent dialogue (which is the way the director wanted it I guess). It does unfold in a corny kind of way but it has elements of awesomeness in it. The timing of the jump scares is really good. The moments of alien contact are really cool-looking. Even though it has an almost comedic atmosphere, it still manages to be scary. This is a decent horror movie, with good jump scares....so check it out. If...you can get past the anal probe jokes and corny characters.
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The Usual Rip Off
pedro-jl-pereira13 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Since the 90's where great extraterrestrial movies were made, there's not a unique movie of this theme i can say its a good one, and I'm not talking about alien or predator movies made since then.

I talking about the kidnapping subject,body marks or even people traumatize by experiences . Its always the same things, spaceship accident, they came after the people o saw them, shots, people dying along the way, and if they miraculously survive the horror there's always an American secret agency to kill every witness involved in the incident. Like this one, it ends with a ridiculous imitation of the cigarette man from the X-Files series....Come on...what rip off
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Nice alien movie, much better then the haters want to make us believe.
deloudelouvain11 December 2015
Well what to say about this one? I have to laugh again when I see the ratings or read the reviews on IMDb. A lot of haters, and I seriously don't get why. I start wondering if my taste of movies is that bad because most of the time when people hate it I love it. But then again I'm not the only weirdo because my wife liked it as well. Okay the actors might not be the best ones you will ever see, even though I don't think they gave us a bad performance. On the contrary I enjoyed the acting. But what I enjoyed the most was the story. Very entertaining to watch, everything I search for when I want to watch a movie about aliens. Suspense, evil aliens, conspiracy theories, all ingredients were there to make it a nice movie. And that's what it was to me, a nice movie. I will watch it again in the future. To all the haters I can only say, take a chill pill.
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What a bad ending...
floridaluis123 October 2014
I just can't understand these endings......does NOT make sense at all. Special effects were OK but the story line, specially with this ending, makes the movie a 2 stars and less. What a disappointment !!! After all of this work, special effects etc, etc...to choose an ending like this is very poor. It leaves the watcher disappointed. We were 8 people watching and we all said WHAT ? when the ending was presented. If I would have watched this movie in the theaters, I would have asked for my money back. Sorry...but is my very honest opinion. Worst UFO movie I've ever watched. I love this theme, and always watch these kind of movies....not only for their special effects but for their story lines. Also, UFO's had been always a mystery and no one has ever being able to prove if they do exist. I can see that this movie had a lot of work in it and, what makes it a poor film is the fact that has an ending that makes no sense at all....not just to me but to all of the friends that were watching with me.
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So here's the verdict .
jaarondobbs21 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
So I am not one to write reviews whatsoever. I am simply a 16 year old boy who purely watches movies for entertainment because I am a movie lover and don't not like to nitpick the hell out of a movie . So reading some reviews of this one, as I so often check reviews before I decided to watch a film just to get a general idea of the opinions of others, I was expecting it to be rather bad . And God am I glad I went ahead and viewed the film . I love creature features, and when I watch them, I get that some people like the suspense of not seeing the creature and for everything to be subtle and what not . But I'm kind of sick of seeing that and this film was literally just what I wanted in an alien film, FINALLY . It wasn't really a slow-burner . I mean it took about what, 20 minutes to get started but after that it was on a roll . Needless to say I enjoyed the hell out of this movie, like a lot .

So let's hit some points here . The acting was, I feel, pretty decent collectively . There were some moments I was like "okay... we'll let that go" but overall nothing that broke the immersion from the film . One of my absolute favorite parts was the musical score . Yes it's cliché as hell and has probably been done in millions of movies out there, but since I was so engrossed with this film, every time something alien-esque happened and the intense soundtrack would kick in, it sucked me in even more . I loved it . The special effects I thought were rather nice . My sister and I were saying how it seemed like a lot of fun working on set with all the flashing lights and crazy goo and just, it seemed like a blast .

Again, am I in no way a qualified critic . I am no JeremyJahns . But I do highly suggest that, although reviews can reflect a films quality, that's not always the case . So glad I took a chance with this one, I wasn't disappointed . I was looking for some horror alien abduction fun, in a genre where that's quite difficult to find and I got it . I highly enjoyed this film, and if your looking for just a fun alien time where your willing to accept the loopholes that may be blatantly or present, I would recommend this .
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A surprising alien sub-genre horror.
InDyingArms20 December 2014
I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into. Most alien films just show us crap, and deliver nothing. Nonetheless "Extraterrestrial" delivers and shows in a pleasing way.

First off the story of this flick. The story was straight forward. It cut right down to the point from start, to finish. In this case, the story was solid, tying together with the film, piecing together one, by one. The story, also, it quite clichéd; a pro, and con situation. A group of friends venture off into a cabin in the woods, and hell breaks loose, we've all seen it before, over, and over. But in the sense of this film, the clichéd mash actually follows out to the point of which we audience don't care anymore, or in this case, it follows through as entertaining. Which of course is nice. In conclusion, the story is a mash of clichés, at the same time it's solid, delivering a solid premise.

Next, the acting of the film, and how the characters execute. Once again, the film succeeds in the aspect of being entertaining as the characters, as well as the story plot are flawed, and clichéd. Here, you have your typical selection of horror movie characters that you've seen millions of times before. With that being said, there's not that much to explain. The acting of said characters was fine in my opinion. I felt some scenes were over acted at parts of the film. I also have to say, some of the characters lines were cheesy, and at points simply unnecessary. But other then that, the acting was solid, and simple for they're heavily clichéd character choices.

Finally the studio work of the movie; camera work, lighting, etc. I want to start out with the lighting. I really liked it. The movie decided to spice it up with various amounts of bright colors. Red's, greens, name it, the movie showed it. It was unique, and it was a pleasing surprise in terms of colors, and lights. Next, the cinematography. It was what it was. The movie did have some enjoyable shots, with some beautiful choices of select shots, and such. At the same time, there were some flawed shots, of which the camera had a crappy location, showing us little of what's going on. But over all solid. Finally, the sound / sound effects. I loved them, there were some awesomely legit choices of sound that were displayed. Instead of clichéd noises / sound effects heard over and over before; now we get actual noises unheard before. In conclusion, as well as the others, this element of the film works.

The film was a nice take on the Alien sub-genre of horror, giving us something to look forward to, from elements that build up the film, to visual effects that please surprisingly. For a highly clichéd story, it was carried out smoothly, and over all ended up as a pretty freaking awesome film. I recommend this to horror fans looking for a good time!
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Another Evil Alien Horror
kirvic_aguilera19 December 2014
The film takes us to the common young characters in a trip to the woods. Aliens who traveled the deep space with incredible technology and still have no clothes and just wanted to terrorize people. If they were always angry about humans, there were no humans.

The film has some nice pictures and scenes, but the characters are horrible and kind of empty, nothing build in a sense of creating the need to know more, everything is predictable. Sounds from the same sample pack of Transformers.

I liked the image of the film, some visuals, light, places, but the story, the characters and the sound effects were just wrong to me, in the way of they may have created something deeper. I don't know what else to say here, because I don't understand how they can create such beautiful images and destroy that with a horrible story, and fail realizing that the story sucks. Or maybe they knew...
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Unbelievably bad
marvy421 December 2014
In the 1950s or 60s, we would have gone to a drive-in and laughed ourselves sick over an inept teenagers-in-the-woods-who-do-everything-wrong movie such as this one. Now, it's not funny, just inept. Trite, overly long, and mind-numbingly boring, I was rooting for the aliens all the way. It never struck me that anyone would attempt to film anything like this in 2014 (unless it were a satire, of course). OK, it's not of Ed Woods Caliber (I never thought the aliens were made out of rubber), but it really tries. Some of the actors seem to have attended the if-I-scream-loud-enough-someone-might-take-it-for-real-acting school. There were few surprises; most of the time I could easily guess what was going to happen in the scene. (I suppose you can add a few stars if you're heavily into profanity.)
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