Scream 4 (2011) Poster


Parents Guide

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MPAA Rated R for strong bloody violence, language and some teen drinking

Sex & Nudity

  • Mild. No sex scene. Sexual references.
  • A teen girl walks around in her bra, for a couple of minutes.
  • The bare back of a young woman is seen in a movie as she takes off her robe.

Violence & Gore

  • The kills in this movie are 2X as brutal as your ordinary scream movie!! Many people are killed during the movie, usually with a knife and occasionally via gunshots. Consequently, there is an extreme amount of bloodletting from these violent encounters. Vicious stabbings, close-range shootings, and hand-to-hand fighting. Multiple onscreen deaths with accompanying blood and sound effects.
  • In a creepy parking garage, a woman screams when she sees a masked man on the hood of her car, she gets out of the car and runs to the stairwell, she tries opening the door however the knob falls off and the man attacks her, pinning her against a wall, and stabs her in the stomach (we see blood pour from the wound and she drops to the ground). Then he throws her corpse onto a news van in public.
  • A girl and a boy are doing a stabbing rehearsal and the teen girl deliberately stabs the teen boy in the chest with a knife, blood pours from the wound and he drops to his knees; she stabs him again in the stomach and blood is later seen covering his dead body.
  • A teen girl grabs a shard of glass and attempts to kill a woman, the woman shoots the girl in the heart, she falls to the ground with a thump and we briefly see the bloody bullet hole in her chest (Very bloody).
  • A woman stabs another woman in the stomach, we see blood coming from the wound and bubbling up into her mouth, the injured woman gasps for help and is stabbed a second time; her head slumps over, blood coming from her mouth and we see the two stab wounds in her torso, with blood coming from both as she dies.
  • A man watches a live feed of a masked man lunging at a woman, the masked man grabs the woman as she attempts to fight back, shoving him to the ground, the masked man stabs her in the shoulder and then shoves her from the loft where they are fighting; the woman is later seen being rushed to a hospital and then lying on a hospital gurney with bloody gauze covering the wound on her shoulder and blood spraying on her neck and chest.
  • On a cellphone screen, a teen girl shows a woman footage of a woman being murdered: we see a small amount of blood as a masked man stabs the woman in the back.
  • After learning that her cousin is not dead, she then goes to her room in the ICU and tries to kill her. She gets on top of her lying in a hospital bed, and she attempts to choke the woman but the woman shoves her off; they throw one another around the room, the teen girl shatters a glass door when she shoves the woman into it, and we see the girl stepping on the woman's stomach (we know she had been stabbed in the stomach)
  • A teen girl tries to appear as a victim and uses a dead teen boy's hand to scratch her face, and she then uses his hand to pull out a clump of hair from her head then braces a knife against her shoulder and runs into a wall, she screams in pain, runs into the wall again and falls to the ground; she then throws herself through a glass coffee table and crawls next to a woman who is bleeding to death.
  • We see footage as two teen girls watch a movie, which includes a man shoving a zombie woman onto a spike that stabs her through the stomach (blood pours from the wound) and a man's bloody and mangled face. Several teens watch a movie, and we see footage of a man breaking through a window and chasing a teen girl through rooms; blood is visible on the dead body of a teen girl.
  • A masked man appears behind a teen girl and stabs her in the wrist; a small amount of blood is visible dripping from the wound, a woman kicks the masked man down a flight of stairs and shoves him to the ground, and we see a small cut on the woman's face and the teen girl's arm is seen bandaged.
  • A teen girl who was a patient holds two people hostage at the hospital shoots a police officer in the chest and we see her drop to the ground; we later see that she was wearing a bulletproof vest and threatens another girl who is another patient. A woman holds up defibrillator paddles to a teen girl's temples as another woman holds the girl at gunpoint; sparks fly from the paddles, and the girl drops to the ground with blood dripping from her nose and mouth.
  • A police officer realizes that the killer is in the hospital, he rushes to the ICU room and finds an injured woman on the ground, a teen girl then uses a bed pan and smacks him in the head multiple times knocking him out. A woman enters the room where a teen girl is attempting to beat up another woman, the teen girl holds her gunpoint and then a police officer saves the woman by tackling her, hiding behind a hospital bed.
  • A masked man stabs a teen girl in the chest with a knife, blood pours from the wound and she hits the ground; he stabs another teen girl in the neck, she slumps to the ground and copious blood pours from the wound, covering her neck, chest, and body.
  • A teen boy with a bloody cut on his forehead, grabs a teen girl, pulls her close and stabs her in the stomach twice, telling her it takes longer to die than she has seen in the movies; we see blood pouring from the wounds in her stomach as she drops to the ground and blood is seen pooling behind her head and body.
  • A teen girl hears a gurgling noise over the phone as she jokingly threatens another teen girl, and she discovers her moments later as a masked man shoves her dead body through a window; glass shatters, the dead girl's body hits the ground, and stab wounds are seen in her neck and stomach, and blood is seen coming from her mouth.
  • A masked man chases a teen girl through a house, he stabs her in the back, she falls down a flight of stairs, she opens a garage door and crawls half way out, and the masked man lowers the garage door on her back (we hear the crush of bones); he then lifts the door and drags the teen girl into the garage, screaming, he holds a knife over her head and the screen goes black (we later learn that she had been stabbed to death).
  • A masked man stabs a teen boy in the chest, blood pours from the wound as he tries to run away, the man stabs the boy in the back, he falls to the ground, and the man flips him over and stabs him in the stomach; blood pours from the three wounds and we see blood on the boy's chest and stomach and pouring from his mouth.
  • A teen boy grabs another teen boy from a closet and throws him to the ground, his hands and feet bound with duct tape and his mouth taped closed; a teen girl kicks the teen boy on the ground, and shoots him in the crotch and then the head with a gun (blood spray is seen behind the boy's head and a massive pool of blood is seen at his crotch) then he is shot in the head.
  • A masked man stabs a door as two women struggle to close it; one of the women collapses against the door and we see blood bubbling at her lips, the other woman pulls her body away and we see a bloody knife sticking through the mail slot of the door and a massive wound in the woman's back (we later hear that the woman had died).
  • A teenage girl is stabbed in the shoulder, then she is stabbed through the hand, and briefly tries to escape the killer but is stabbed again in the lower back. She is then thrown onto her bed (now covered in blood) and stabbed repeatedly in the stomach while blood is seen splattering all over the walls. She is then picked up soaked in blood and is thrown through a window to showcase her death to her friends next door. Later she is shown to have her intestines ripped out in a pile in front of her corpse. Extremely brutal and violent.
  • A masked man stabs a cop in the back, and the man falls to the ground as another man watches from inside a police car; the masked man approaches his partner in the car and stabs him in the forehead (we see blood pour from the wound, covering the man's face, arms and body) as he struggles to run away and he then collapses on the ground, dead.


  • Severe.
  • 36 F-words and its derivatives, 2 obscene hand gestures, 7 sexual references, 20 scatological terms, 12 anatomical terms (2 mild), 17 mild obscenities, name-calling (gore geek, dumb blonde, dork, Barney Fife, Betty Crocker, testy, weird, amateurs, morons, liar, stupid), exclamations (shut up, gosh, freaking), 1 religious profanity, 17 religious exclamations.
  • 2 obscene hand gestures.
  • 7 sexual references.
  • 20 scatological terms.
  • 12 mild anatomical terms.
  • Some mild name-calling.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Moderate.
  • Teenagers are seen drinking at a barn party to the point of inebriation.
  • A teenage boy is seen drunk. We see him stumbling and slurring his speech while he records himself.
  • A teenage girl says that she will "drink for" her friend who couldn't make it to a party.
  • Two teenage boys instruct a group of other teenagers on how to play a drinking game.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The Ghosface killer in this film is diabolical and sinister. He is menacing and creepy and often pops out of shadows in jumpscares.
  • The chase scenes involving ghostface are often intense and end with bloody results.
  • A teen girl is killed in her bedroom by Ghostface. The aftermath is later shown with the walls drenched in blood and her intestines hanging out of her body. Very graphic and unsettling and guts and intestines were never shown in any Scream movie before.
  • This movie is the most brutal movie in the whole franchise, gore is shown and the kills are way more brutal.
  • The killing scenes in this movie are terrifying and disturbing.
  • Intense and disturbing death scenes throughout.
  • Several sudden and out of nowhere jump scares.
  • The climax of the film is intense. Several main characters' lives are put at risk.
  • Although many scenes are intense and gory, there is also a comedic approach to the film.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Violence & Gore

  • Ghostface pops out at one point and stabs Olivia Morris in the back, the camera switches around to Jill and Kirby multiple times you can definitely see what is going on as Olivia and Ghsotface push around the room as he stabs her with the knife. He then smashes her corpse through the window and brings it back in and leaves. Sidney finds Olivia's body laying on the couch with her intestines spilled on the bed which can be very gory and disturbing for the peeps that aren't mature.

See also

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