Urban Legends: Final Cut (2000) Poster

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Mediocre Sequel To A Decent Slasher Movie.
drownsoda9015 August 2006
"Urban Legends: Final Cut" is a sequel to the 1998 slasher movie "Urban Legend". The sequel concerns a group of college coeds, primarily lead by aspiring film director Amy Mayfield. Amy is trying to direct a horror film for her latest project, and is striving to be awarded the Hitchock Award from her school. She introduces the idea of a horror film based on urban legends, but after the crew of filmmakers begin to shoot their project, cast and crew members begin to disappear one by one. The more of the film that is shot, the more students begin to die. Who is responsible for the killing? Could it be Travis' twin brother Trevor? Or could it be someone else? Who knows? Who cares?

The original "Urban Legend" wasn't Oscar worthy but it had a semi-original story, some horror clichés tossed in. But for the most part, it was a decent slasher film. This follow-up is nowhere near the first film. The story was somewhat weak, and it was as clichéd as could be - bumps in the dark, eerie shadows, a misrepresenting interlude, and a killer who can appear out of thin air. The ending wasn't as shocking as the filmmakers were expecting it to be, and the little sequence before the credits roll tied this film to the original, but for what purpose? Reese, the female campus security cop from the original, returns in this film as the a new security guard on this campus, and does give a few laughs with her "Foxy Brown" imitations. The Amy character, our leading woman, does make some smart moves in the film, but all of the others make dumb decisions that cost them their lives. The scene that stood out the most of the whole film was the infamous "kidney" scene, which was actually pretty well constructed and was disgusting enough.

Overall, "Urban Legends: Final Cut" isn't anything great. The story wasn't anything we haven't seen before, it's your basic "find out who the killer is" horror movie. It serves well as a gory slasher flick, but there is nothing new that it has to offer and very little surprises at all. Put all that aside, fans of the first movie may want to check this out. But, while the original wasn't great, I can confidently say it was better than the sequel. 5/10.
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On the Same Level as the Orginal
MissCzarChasm25 November 2001
Urban Legends: Final Cut starts off on the right note just like the original. It doesn't have horror classic written all over it like the first one did when it began but it still starts off above average. However just like the orignal once the film begins to progress it slowly turns into another crappy slasher film.

The premise uses the whole movie within a movie tie in that is quite frankly getting a bit tired. Our new heroine is trying to win the prestigious Hitchcock Award for her new film which is about a serial killer who kills his victims based on Urban Legends. however once murders begin to happen on the set it becomes much harder to seperate fact from fiction.

What i Liked:

The heroine in this film is far more engaging than the one from the first film. She gives an honest performance and despite a tepid script she holds her own.

Very interesting to see Joey...no i mean Joseph Lawrence in this film. I joked about him being in it when i first heard about it but he was actually kinda good. In fact i wish he could've been in it more because he provides some pretty funny moments in the film.

i liked how it wasn't just a slasher film. During certain moments it played like a thriller and for at least the majority of the film the whodunit aspect is quite engaging.

i liked the use of seperating fact from fiction. That was a bit interesting. The scene where thry begin to watch Amy's reel and the killer switches it to the death he filmed was pretty intense.

What i didn't Like:

Where in the hell were the urban legend deaths. We got one and that was it. The one they has was pretty good but the film is called urban legend you would tihnk they would utilize that.

The last half of the film is even more ludicrious than the one in the first film. i found my self dumbfounded that they actually were allowed to produce the last half of this film. what a disappointed.

You can tell that we're running out of costumes for the killer to wear. The fencing mask and black apparel might seem frightening to some but all i kept thinking was the killer looks like a giant micro-phone.

The acting, with the exception of two people, is so painfully bad. My two year old brother could even act circles around these people.

This might not say much but at least this sequelis better than something like I Still Know What you did Last Summer. It barely sinks below the level of the original and i guess that says something. It's no film masterpiece but i tihnk fans of the first film may enjoy it.

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Too many scary filmmakers making scary movies that make fun of scary movies.
jasonw-522 September 2000
As a former film student the setting for the film had some appeal. Film students after the coveted Hitchcock Award strive to make the film that will secure them a spot in Hollywood, just like the honored alumni before them. Unfortunately the power of greed has someone taking out the competition.

It begins with an obvious film-within-a-film cliché to introduce us to all the principal characters/victims of the film. The cast, a slew of nobodies, lacks any true depth and continually stumbles through forced 21st dialogue. The only recognizable face, Joey Lawrence of Blossom fame, has matured in looks but not so much in talent. In fact, the most entertaining parts of the film are when the killer `urbanizes' his victims making the viewer happy to see them go.

The entire story is weak and too many standard horror movie conventions are tossed into the mix. Bumps in the dark, shadows in the background and masked characters that appear out of nowhere are tired repeats of films in our past. As expected, every character is given a reason to be the killer until the very next scene when they are exonerated because another character seems more deserving.

With many veiled references to Alfred Hitchcock's films, the filmmakers may have thought they were honoring the great director but in reality the idea is so poorly done that they only come across as cheap rip-offs. Stair climbing in a tower ala Vertigo and a weak wheelchair scene ala Rear Window are two that come to mind.

The whole scary movie genre was given life by Scream and now it ought to be put out of its misery with one swift swing of the ax.

2 1/2 out of 5
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This was one very bad movie. Period. (Spoilers!)
Magnus Kallas6 June 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start? It is hard to describe how bad this sequel is. The original Urban Legends was okay- not great, just entertaining. But Urban Legends: Final Cut is just plain stupid.

I don't want to spoil it for you, but only the first killing is related to a famous and spooky urban legend. Other killings are very unoriginal and lame (killing with knife, electricity and so on). There are many suspects, everyone has their own reason for killing. Or at least they all look suspicious. BUT the true killer is shown only a few minutes in the movie- he is a mad professor with idiotic reasons for killing. Now when I think about it, the whole story can be filmed in 5 minutes. The characters aren't related and the events aren't related. A girl shoots a movie, her friends are killed, a twin brother shows up and the killer is beated.

This movie made me very angry. Angry, because I just can't imagine how the directors of this crap even managed to get their job.
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good sequel
eiffel1988221443-224 February 2002
starring: Jennifer Morrison, Loretta Devine, Joseph Lawrence, Matthew Davis, Anson Mount, Jessica Cauffiel, Eva Mendes, and Jacinda Barrett.

plot: A killer in a fencing mask is killing off students at a prestigious film school, staring with actress, Lisa (Jacinda Barrett). After a popular director named Travis Stark (Matthew Davis) is found shot, apparently from suicide, his twin brother Trevor (still, Matthew Davis) sneaks into campus and teams up with writer Amy (Jennifer Morrison) to try and catch the killer as more bodies begin to drop.

review: This is a very fun sequel. I love the cast, its got Loretta Devine from the original UL, Joseph Lawrence from Do You Wanna Know A Secret?, Jessica Cauffiel from Valentine, and Jacinda Barrett from Campfire Tales. This has great gore, great acting, good directing, and good writing. But the killer's motive stinks!

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OH why...WHY!?
scenicns15 June 2001
I have to ask myself why did I even rent this... an ex-girlfriend recommended it so maybe it was all some sort of revenge...

Actually I really liked scream 3 so I was a bit hopeful in watching this but my hopes were mangled much like a fragile monarch butterfly caught in a lawnmower. The story was just horrible; it made no sense just a stream of unconnected gore scenes that don't build tension or suspense. The Characters aren't even amusing stereotypes, and not that the actors had much to work with in the first place.

The central problem with movies like this...without good characters the movie drags, the gore scenes become meaningless and we don't care who lives and who dies.

The stolen kidney death scene was nice and brutal, and the campus where it was filmed was really cool, that's about it on the good points.
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Decent sequel to a Great original
crousbrandon30 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First off I loved the original urban legend , it was a very well constructed slasher film and a good one, not just another lazy one that's just there for the kill count

This sequel however I didn't like some of the choices that they made , dli absolutely don't hate it , you can het allot worse than this, bit some choices I didn't like so much First off this film was very humorous to the point of being wacky, while the first film had humour it want anything like this and it still took itself serious, this film had a very noticeable change in tone. Anthony Anderson is not a good actor he shouldn't be in this, he adds allot to the humorous side of things like in all his roles. I didn't like the final girl so much in this one and the only character i really liked was Eva Mendez's character, and Reese who is returning from the first film. I also liked the movie film school vibe , although it feels a bit copied off scream 3 . Another thing is that the opening was awful , it kind off opens in a film within a film type of way. Some characters are just plain dumb . Also this film doesn't revolve around urban legends as much as the first one

So on the positive side for me, we do get one great kill involving the kidney heist urban legend. Thats the only great and suspenseful kill in the entire movie, we get Eva Mendez . Reese from the first movie returns. And the ending with Brenda from the original was absolutely terrific, and redeems the film in many ways bit on the negative side, too much wacky humour, bad Anthony Anderson, not much about urban legends, dumb characters, awful opening.

Again I don't hate it, I will watch it again but it does not reach the heights of the original and they should have made something more mysterious and serious ( the film isn't a comedy horror , bit the humour doesn't fit here and I would say its half serious). As a fan of the original check it out but don't watch with too high of expectations.
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Uninspired sequel
Libretio28 February 2005

Aspect ratio: 2.39:1

Sound formats: Dolby Digital / DTS / SDDS

Several film students at an isolated university campus are targeted by a serial killer who patterns his/her crimes after various urban legends.

John Ottman's unnecessary sequel is a disastrous jumble of humor and horror which isn't nearly as funny or frightening as the filmmakers might have hoped, and the visual references to various classic movies (most notably the VERTIGO-inspired climax) seem entirely superfluous. Most of the murders are routine, except for a grisly decapitation inspired by a similar sequence in Dario Argento's INFERNO (1980), but the rest of the movie adheres strictly to formula, as a masked killer strives to frame weak-willed heroine Jennifer Morrison for a series of brutal crimes. Only two of the characters from the original URBAN LEGEND (1998) have been retained: Loretta Devine as the campus security guard whose aspirations toward COFFY-style bravery are finally realized during a climactic confrontation with the killer, when he/she makes the mistake of trying to punch her out (Devine retaliates with the best line of dialogue in the entire movie!), and Rebecca Gayheart in an unbilled cameo which should raise a smile amongst devotees of the original film.

The supporting cast is handsome but interchangeable, including Matthew Davis (TIGERLAND) as Morrison's potential love interest, Jessica Cauffiel (VALENTINE) as a dizzy would-be actress whose final sequence resembles one of the more famous set-pieces from PEEPING TOM (1959), Eva Mendes (ONCE UPON A TIME IN Mexico) as a statuesque lesbian beauty whose fondness for Morrison lands her in a whole heap of trouble, and Hart Bochner (APARTMENT ZERO, SUPERGIRL) as an unlikely college professor. Production values are polished, but the movie amounts to little more than an uninspired rehash, and represents an inauspicious debut for former composer/editor Ottman (THE USUAL SUSPECTS). Also starring Joseph Lawrence, Anson Mount and Marco Hofschneider.
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Horrible and an Idiotic Movie *Minor Spoiler*
x_pac25 October 2000
Warning: Spoilers
It's been awhile since I have seen a truly horrible movie, well, there was Mission To Mars, but that doesn't even compare to Urban Legends: Final Cut! I love watching horror movies, but I knew this wasn't going to be a "horror" movie, but rather a "slasher flick", and there is a difference between the two. I saw the trailers and TV spots for the film and they looked decent, so I decided to pay the 6 bucks and watch it, well actually 12 since my girlfriend was with me.

While watching the movie, I was wondering if it was 8:00 p.m. in a movie theater watching a slasher flick, or if it was Noon in my house watching a Soap Opera...The premise of the one guy getting his head blown off and his twin brother comes back secretly......come on, these screenwriters are not even trying!!! Why not show the guy get his head blown off? Why the twin brother? Why make a sequel? Why even call it Urban Legends?!

I have to admit, watching the girl in the bath tub full of ice was a good "Urban Legend killing", but then afterwards all of the killings have NOTHING to do with urban legends. Did they decide to have the sequel with the characters just making a movie ABOUT urban legends, but not have the actual movie about urban legends? I would have rather watched the movie that the film student characters were making rather than Urban Legends: Final Cut! This is just another victim of sequels being rushed. And anyone who rates this over a 3 must not be watching very many movies.....Even my girlfriend, whose taste in movies are not wonderful, thought this movie was horrible!
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Campus fun
asda-man17 August 2011
I'm just a sucker for a slasher! No matter how bad they are I usually enjoy them all even "Halloween: Resurrection" was quite entertaining in my book, although not needed one bit! "Urban Legends" was another slasher I enjoyed and although I know it's nothing special, it's certainly no "Scream", "Urban Legends: Final Cut" tries to enter the "Scream" franchise but just simply doesn't have the same balls "Scream" has.

Nevertheless it was entertaining and thoroughly enjoyable! It starts out a little bit like Wes Craven's "New Nightmare" being set on a film set, (also like "Scream 3"). If you have seen "Urban Legends" then you basically have seen "Urban Legends: Final Cut" because it's more of the same stalk and slash, only this time not all the kills are off-screen! (That really annoyed me in the first one!) It follows the same formula on the set of a top film college. Everyones trying to win the "Hitcock prize" by making low-budget crap and a Kirsten Dunst look-a-like (the real one was too expensive) is going to make a film about a killer basing his murders on urban legends (de ja vu!) Only the film comes to life and someone is killing off her crew.

That's the basic plot, it's simple and everyone can follow it. This is the type of film girls would watch after "Twilight" on a sleepover thinking its a really adult, extreme horror film after being mildly scared by "Twilight". That means that for the rest of us, the scares are minimal and the action is just enjoyable instead of heart-stopping! However, what I did like was the way it used humour.

It was really funny in some places and the black security guard was a hoot baby! So you can't say that this film wasn't fun. What was also fantastic was the ending! I thought I was being very clever in sussing out who the killer was but it took me completely by surprise! "Urban Legends: Final Cut" is a wannabee "Scream" for a more miniature audience (i.e. 12+) it tries to be clever and sometimes it is but it is fun throughout and never dull. Just don't expect an out-of-this-world slasher because you simply aren't going to get it. If you're not expecting much then give it a try. I really enjoyed it.
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Entertaining enough
TheMarwood27 May 2014
Music composer John Ottman and editor for Bryan Singer films, tries his hand at directing and does a reasonable job with this entertaining derivative meta slasher. The slashings and goings on take place at the most prestigious and unrealistic film school imaginable and a fencing masked killer is wiping out one film student after another. The whole film is exceptionally dumb and doesn't really have anything to do with urban legends, with the exception of a tacked on waking up in a bathtub missing a kidney scene, but Jennifer Morrison is cute and does a good job with this material. None of the deaths are memorable, but the film has a cheesy playful side that knows it's B material and Ottman runs with it.
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Awesome Cheesy Slasher Horror Fun!!!
Pumpkin_Man11 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's been over a decade since I last watched this, so yesterday I sat down and watched the original Urban Legend and this back-to-back and I forgot how good they were. This is the kind of slasher I like, and it has a movie within a movie plot in the vein of Scream 3. Gosh, I miss these old 90's/early 2000's horror movies. They don't make 'em like this anymore.

The sequel is about Amy Mayfield, a film student who's not sure what to make her thesis film about. She runs into Officer Reese Wilson from the original film and she tells Amy about her experience with the killings that happened at the college she used to work at. Amy soon decides to make an 'urban legend' themed horror film. Soon enough, a killer shows up and kills off the actors and crew of the film. Will Amy be able to survive? If you love slasher movies, you'll love URBAN LEGENDS: FINAL CUT!!!
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"Those who can't do, teach"
SamJamie22 April 2021
A student filmmaker's thesis project encounters production problems when the actors and crew of her film start getting killed by a monstrous force.

Jennifer Morrison stars as Amy Mayfield, a student at a prestigious film school, unsure about what her thesis film is going to be. But after a conversation with security guard Reese Wilson about her experience with a series of murders that had happened on the campus she had previously worked in, she is inspired to make a film about a serial killer murdering in the fashion of urban legends.

I rewatched this on Blu-ray in the new collector's edition trilogy, although I have seen the film in the past. The film is carried by Morrison's gratifying performance, alongside Loretta Davis bringing comic relief to the film. Where the film succeeds is in its classiness as a horror picture, and director John Ottman has proven that he can successfully cross over from being, not only a gifted composer but also a respectable filmmaker. The film embraces the horror genre wholeheartedly and giving us a nail-biting, heart-jolting experience. Where I found the film fell short is the fact it's very keen on keeping the film (mostly) bloodless and a lot of the deaths happen off-screen or cut away just as it happens, although I think the film would've benefitted from more gore and brutality. Which is not something I would normally say. The end of the film wraps up reminiscent of an episode of "Scooby-Doo" with a nice nod to the original courtesy of Rebecca Gayheart. It's a fun watch.
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Maciste_Brother19 November 2003
I saw URBAN LEGENDS: FINAL CUT without seeing the first one and after watching ULFC, I don't want to see the first one. This film was bad. Schlocky, lazy, uninspired filmmaking. There's a scene at the end when the girls walk up a tower while they're being pursued by the killer. The scene is an almost exact copy of the last scene in FINAL EXAM, a HALLOWEEN rip-off made in 1981. And no, the director or writer surely didn't want this scene to be a "homage" of sorts to FINAL EXAM. No one saw FINAL EXAM. So if URBAN LEGENDS: FINAL CUT needed to rip-off a scene from FINAL EXAM, which was a rip-off of HALLOWEEN, well, imagine how BAD this movie is!!!!
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Great Film.
ScottishColz8725 July 2002
Urban Legends: Final Cut is a great sequel to Urban Legend. It is not like other horror movies because in the first one, the mask was different, other horror movies have the same masks for all the sequels that they have.

I think that the return of Reese was good because she is able to understand Amy, in what is happening to her, when she realises that something is wrong, because of what happened the last time.

Also, Rebecca Gayheart's return at the end was excellent. I think that was a great surprise. I didn't expect to see Rebecca in the sequel before I knew, she had a cameo appearance. Not all horrors do that either. Even though the killer is different. The killer from the first one is in the second.

Well this movie is great and I hope all of you enjoy it too!
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Final Cut comes with the good and BAD!
Tiago-1016 October 2000
This film was hard to except. I understood what the film makers were trying to do with it, but ULFC came up lacking. It lacked in a good story line background, and in cheesy acting mostly done by on character who was just too annoying. (hint never let a bad actress play a bad actress in a movie). That being said I do have one good thing to say about it. It does not hold anything back. We see much more gore than in the first. Cinematography was excellent, sometimes it mimicked other films at times, but It was all in good fun. If you liked UL, see this. And for those who don't want the end spoiled don't read the next statement.

Just the fact that Rebecca Gayheart has a cameo at the end is reason enough to see the film.
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Sequel to Urban Legend where another killer is killing off college students.
chrisbrown645312 July 2001
What was John Ottman thinking when he made this film? Did he actually believe this would be a good movie? This is nothing but your stereotypical slasher film (AGAIN), where another masked killer is off killing college students. I'm tired of these kinds of films. It's the same thing all the time, either with high school students or college students. Hollywood needs to come up with some original stuff for a change.

Anyway back to the movie. It starts off on a set of a film in the making and the cast gets introduced into the picture. The killing really doesn't start 'till about 15 or so minutes into the film. The plot itself is so stupid because the only reason they can explain why the person is killing people off is because of some Hitchcock award. What the heck? It's not like if I don't win some award that I'm gonna start killing people off.

Another thing that kinda makes no sense is that there's only one cop in the whole college campus. I mean are we to believe that this is some super cop that needs no partner? A modern day superman? I would think that after the first two deaths or so that they'd get enough sense to bring in another officer, but nooooooo. So many plot holes, so little time to bash them.

Also, what's with all these stupid masks that's been in these slasher films recently? First we get a ghostface (the best by far), then an oversized raincoat, then a giant snowjacket, and then there's this fencing mask. I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can think of right now. I mean if a killer really wanted to conceal his identity that he'd kill the people off then get the heck out of the city, but no he chooses to hang around until someone figures him out. I'd like to see one slasher where the guy wears some sort of wicked facepaint instead of a stupid jacket or a ridicules mask.

Well anyway, the only thing really bad about this film is what's the most important of all, and that's the plot. It was just too overdone and predictable. There weren't even any good scares. I wouldn't be surprised if they made another sequel to this though. Maybe this time the killer will be someone's half brother or great uncle or maybe even the neighborhood kid who constantly stairs out the window.

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A geat Refreence to the first!
oreo772772 April 2001
I found Urban Legends the Final CUt to be a better movie than I thought. It's plot was interesting and I didn't guess who the killer was! It had great allusions to the first including a wonderful cameo appearance at the end by Rebecca Gayheart as a nurse! I found it to be a great movie and highly recommend it for teens who aren't looking for a movie too scary!
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Mommy, make it go away
its_jeff-213 February 2001
By some strange birth-defect, I admit to a certain level of fandom for the horror genre. Having said that, I rent these type of films with *seriously* lowered expectations. All I ask for is some good gore and a spooky killer. And this heaping pile fails to deliver either.

"UL:Final Cut" is exactly the type of film that the Scream trilogy attempted to parodize. Except that this film isn't attempting satire, it's taking itself seriously, utilizing every expired 80-s horror cliche imaginable:

-Girl walks into dark empty room/girl walks backward into dark, empty corner/girl runs into dark, spooky, woods....instead of running to that nice, brightly lit building. Duh.

If "Scream" succeeded at anything, it was at pointing out how completely absurd these type of plot contrivances are. Apparently, the lazy writers of "UL-Final Cut" learned nothing. Or simply didn't care.

Oh, and there's more...

-Girl tries to flee from killer, trips over her own hooves every twelve feet/girl tries to exit through door, door won't open....oh wait, it opens! Apparently a good 30 second terrified rattling of the doorknob was all it needed...<groan>

And the mother-of-all-horror-cliches...

-Girl runs from killer, panting and heaving, in an exhausting attempt to ditch her stalker...killer pursues at a comfortable cruising speed of 3 baby steps per minute. Yet killer always catches up. Huh?

Of course the first "U-L" was misery to endure, however this sequel ups the ante and takes misery to nth.

The funhouse-scene had perhaps a flickering of potential but quickly comes up lame. The deaths in this scene were super boring and featured perhaps the worst use of latex since the sleestaks in Land of the Lost.

Watching this, I couldn't help but to think that I had a better time having that abcess drained...

The first "U-L" used up all the interesting Urban Legends and so all you get here is some lame Scream 3 rip-off about murders on a film set. If only life imitated art , we would have been spared this pointless mess.

There is absolutely no redeemable quality to this waste, even for the most avid fans of the genre. It straight-up sucks, and that's being generous.

And what was up with the pathetic attempt at an in-joke? The Gina Gershon clone with pontoon-like lipses and snaggle-teeth. And guess what, she plays a lesbian! Oooh, inspired casting!! Not.

There isn't a rating on IMDB that's low enough to accurately reflect the sheer mind-numbing dumbness of Urban legend: Final Cut. Skip it a rent a Shannon Tweed flick.
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Disapointing follow up to effective original.
Spanner-229 October 2000
I enjoyed the first film in this series quite a bit but this follow up effort, set in film school is truly terrible. Aside from the fact that the filmmakers don't seem to have ever set foot in an actual film school, the story has many flaws the most glaring being that the characters are all flat, uninteresting and badly acted. The direction and cinematography are equally hackneyed and the gore effects, once the saving grace of this sort of bad horror effort, are just so-so. Avoid at all costs, go rent the original instead. GRADE: F
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benjaminconvey3 December 2000
A film that can generate the most fiendish criticisms of all time, such as "pure crap" and "worst film ever made" etc etc, yet still manage to actually entertain some people, not because it is "so bad it's good" but because it is actually quite good must be hiding something from most of its audience.

Basically, I think very few people "get" this film.

In years to come this will be remembered as quite a well done little slasher flick, and will garner the kind of cult status that films like April Fool's Day and Prom Night achieved.
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I am glad I waited for the video.
pawtm7 February 2001
I am really glad that I didn't pay six bucks to see this. But I will say that it was worth 3.25. I thought it was funny. The campus cop was hilarious. I was confused with some of the plot so I was just watching to see who the killer was. I didn't really care why. If you get a chance to see it without shelling out money, give it a shot. For laughs, if nothing else.
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Good Sequel
cwillis_m11 May 2002
I liked the original "Urban Legend" and I liked this one to. It has some suspense, and pretty much does what it's supposed to do. Another thing that I liked about this was that it didn't bring back the killer from the first film. It showed some originality by setting a "sequel" in a different location and dealing with, mainly, a different cast. My rating for both "Urban Legend" and "Urban Legends: Final Cut": 8/10
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Yes! Finally some quality cinema from the teen slasher genre! You see, it seems that someone has taken their love of scary movies one step too – HEY!!
Anonymous_Maxine2 April 2001
Warning: Spoilers
(spoilers) In a time when teenage slasher mystery thrillers are in tremendous overabundance, the sequel to the fairly entertaining Urban Legend is fortunately not a complete failure. I watched Urban Legends: Final Cut with very low expectations, which were the result of having heard that the movie was terrible, as well as my growing belief that a quality film in this genre, especially a sequel, will probably never be created again. The magic of the movies can only go so far. However, I was surprised to find that this particular sequel did have its redeeming values, despite the fact that it has the same old Scooby Doo ending, with the killer finally revealing himself and basically saying that he would have gotten away with it if it hadn't been for those pesky kids.

The film starts off on the set of a cheesy movie, which seems to take place during a drunken college party on an AIRPLANE (hence, `cheesy' movie). Luckily, this is revealed to be a movie within a movie, so it didn't really take away from the film as a whole, but Urban Legends: Final Cut definitely had its share of stupidity. The security guard, for example, who we remember from the first film, sure didn't seem to have learned anything from her past experiences. Not only do we find her dancing to Pam Grier films while HORROR movies are being made (the perfect setting for a murder to take place) but she also does she not believe the girl when she tells her that she saw a murder.

And don't even get me started on the killer. Until the killer is revealed at the end, he is exactly the same as the now-boring killers in countless other rip-off films – everything from I Know What You Did Last Summer and I Still Know What You Did Two Summers Ago to all of the Scream films, all of which `borrowed' this idea from John Carpenter's horror classic, Halloween. Seeing how Halloween was released about 23 years ago and has been ripped off in record numbers, I think that it's about time to come up with some different kind of villain. 007 movies always have these cool bad guys, but the teen thriller genre always recycles the now boring ‘guy in the mask' routine.

I didn't hate Urban Legends: Final Cut because there really were a few scenes in the film that actually worked. For example, the scene when all of the students were watching the rushes and they saw the blonde girl's murder was actually pretty effective, in my opinion. Also, the scene with the bathtub full of ice worked pretty well, despite its lack of originality. But despite the unoriginal bathtub, the removed kidney was also pretty good, and this even evokes a painful reaction from the audience as the killer yanks her back in through the window by grabbing onto the freshly sewn wound through which the kidney was removed. OUCH.

There was a lot of cheesy stuff in this movie, besides the tired inclusion of the mysterious killer. Much of the garbage is dumbly thrown into the dialogue in a number of wildly idiotic and clichéd lines – `This is my baby, baby.' `I won't let anything happen to you. I'll be there.' But the story was actually pretty good, at least some of it was. The twin brother for example, keeps the audience guessing more than the killer does, because by this point, anything else will command more interest than the old who's-the-killer mystery. It turns out that he was telling the truth, but for much of the film after his introduction, it is never really certain whether the twin was really a twin, or if he was the same guy, in which case he would probably be the killer.

The end of the film is punctuated by a very welcome cameo from Rebecca Gayheart, who should have played a substantial role in this film, given the way that the original film ended. This obviously wasn't done because everyone would know right away who the killer was, but there seems to be a rough transition between the two films because of this. All in all, Urban Legends: Final Cut is worth the time, but it is still not as good as the original, which was also not even that great. But don't be put off by low expectations, it's not THAT bad.
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Unbelievably, incredibly, painfully, terribly bad
Silverzero31 August 2002
It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. And unfortunately for this movie, it was the Dark Ages. This is my second time commenting on Urban Legends, but I just hate the film so much I have to comment on it again. This film left so many questions in my head, like who would want the laborious task of making this film.

First off lets start with the acting. Who in the blue hell are these people, and what are they doing in a horror movie? These people couldn't act nor run properly for that matter. I wouldn't trust these people to do my dishes because they probably couldn't do that right either.

Next stop, the murders themselves. To be painfully honest, the first murder was adequate. But what happened after that. Using a f***ing wooden spoon would have brightened up the rest of the murders and made them more interesting. Using electricity and bludgeoning someone with a camera lenses is not horror movie material, no matter what you've been smoking. Someone obviously said yes to the scriptwriter to many times. The Good Lord gave you balls, people, it wouldn't hurt to use them once in a while.

And now, my favourite. The patented killer costume. Jason (if he were dead) must be rolling in his grave. When I first saw the killers costume, I laughed till I cried. And then I felt sorry for the poor b****rd. What were they thinking of, giving the killer a fencing mask and a frock was ridiculous. They may as well have given him a priest collar to round it off. I've seen scarier looks on pimples. I suppose the biggest problem with the costume was that the fencing mask looked too tight against the slicker and didn't look scary at all. The killers motive was the worst I've ever heard.

I think the films biggest flaw was that it didn't seem like a horror movie. Urban Legend may not have been great but at least it felt like a horror. The movie lacked everything and that's why I give it 1 out of 10.
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